Glory be to God who has brought you to this season of Christmas and New Year! It's a season of celebrations. May the Lord provide the lamb for the sacrifice, in Jesus name. May He open the windows of heaven to shower you blessings. May the Lord crown the year for you with His goodness and cause your path to drop with fatness (Ps 65:11).

     May He watch over you not only to bless, but also to keep you from all evil, in Jesus name. In the name of Jesus Christ, I banish sorrow and mourning from you and your household all through this season.

     As you travel, may He give charge to His angels over you. May they defend and protect you wherever you go this season. May accident, kidnapping, robbery, sickness and such other vices that

 are common to this generation and this season be far from you as the heaven is to the earth, in Jesus name. May God's goodness locate you to differentiate you among others, in Jesus name. May you not be missing when the count is taken, come December 31st, 2022 and far into the successive years to come, in Jesus name.

   Receive grace to end well in 2022 and abundant grace to go in and through the year 2023, in Jesus mighty name.