When He calls me, I will answer

When He calls me, I will answer

 I'll be somewhere working for my LORD



Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will show thee: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. Gen12:1-3

God called Abraham  in order to shower His love upon him, so that others can see and get attracted unto Him.

This is to demonstrate the Character of God. In the same vein, He has called you and I. If you did not know it before now, it's good you know it from today.

He called Abraham, yes with his wife and He made him into a nation; not just a nation but a great nation.

When God took him from his own people, He promised to bless him and make him a blessing to others. He cut him off from being the branch of a wild olive, that's his lineage to make him the root of a superior olive, an entity of its own. He did not doubt God at all but believed and trusted that He would not fail. Those that will deal with God must deal upon trust; we must quit the things that are seen for things that are not seen, and submit to the sufferings of this present time in hopes of a glory that is yet to be revealed. (Romans 8:18).

Abraham never knew the land God promised to show him; but trusted that He could not fail; rather he believed that He would make it good. His end was eventually better and greater than his beginning.

  This should be the true picture of every believer. This command which God gave to Abram is much the same with the gospel call by which all the spiritual seed of faithful Abram are brought into covenant with God. As Jesus called His disciples. Jesus said " follow me l will make you". None of these disciples hesitated, they duly followed the MASTER.

Ordinary fishermen became renown people in their generations, their testimonies are being spoken of to this day.  Their ends were better and greater than their beginnings.

(Culled from Matthew Henry commentary) 

God said unto Abraham, "I will make thy name great". By deserting his country, he lost his name there. "Care not for that," says God, "but trust me, and I will make thee a greater name than ever thou couldst have had there."

  Having no child, he feared he should have no name but God will make him a great nation, and so make him a great name.

The name of obedient believers shall certainly be celebrated and made great.

God is the Fountain of honour, and from Him promotion comes, (1 Samuel 2:8) . He raises the poor and makes them sit among the princes.

There is nothing too big or great to sacrifice unto God. In the first place, He created us, sustains us, and whatever we have, He gave us, whatever we can ever be, He is the One to make.

 We've got to obey and surrender all to Him even as Abraham and the disciples of Jesus did. We will be glad we did.

Note, Obedient believers will be sure to inherit the blessing.

God bless your weekend


Dear Heavenly Father, I have decided to be obedient to You in all areas of my life. I receive the abundant grace to do just that in the Mighty name of Jesus.