"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well." - Psalms 139:14 (KJV)

  Everything that God has given to you is a plus! Be it color, height, sex, education, tribe; name it!

   Our problem or challenge is with how we perceive them. An understanding of God's infallibility will help to correct the wrong notion that God has set us disadvantaged as opposed to others.

  Sometimes, the problem is with how we swallow other people's opinion of us. We tend to agree with them, "hook, line and sinker". To do so is to be ignorant that you were fearfully and wonderfully made by God.

         Rejection is not fatal! It is merely someone else opinion! To overcome rejection and its negative toxins, begin to look at rejection as redirection. Consider that each time you are criticized or rejected, you are simply being redirected. If people hate you for who you are, don't hate yourself in consequence thereof. If people leave and abandon you for what you stand for, please, don't abandon yourself; for it is mistaken to do so. After all, it's merely their opinion, and everyone is entitled to his/her opinion. Their opinion about you may after all be grossly mistaken, having been formed following misconceptions about your person or what you stand for. Those that reject you for whatever reason are without knowledge. They are ignorant of the fact that you are God's workmanship in Christ Jesus (Eph 2:10) and the Bible says that "marvelous"  are His works (Ps 139:14)

        Do you know that if you endure and perfect that which is abhorred by others about you, they might eventually come to be proved wrong? Your idea, your kind of person, what you stand for may after all be what is needed as a solution to the thorny need of the day. Learn to appreciate yourself for who you are! To be a victim of low esteem or poor self image is to be ignorant of one's worth. The Psalmist was never like that. He intimates that he knows his worth! "I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well." - Psalms 139:14.

      One of the main causes of  poor self image is an unrealistic and unfair comparison of experiences. Stop making the mistake of comparing your experience with another person's experience. In doing this, we tend to exaggerate their successful experience and downgrade our own success.

     How I wish that people would understand that experience has nothing to do with ability. For instance, I've lived in Kaduna for over 25 years and can't speak the Hausa dialect with the fluency that I so desire. Yet, I have Pastor colleagues that are very fluent in the Hausa dialect, but can't communicate a hoot in English language, like I do. Now, the question is: are they smarter  because they speak the Hausa dialect better than me? Or conversely, am I better than them because of my proficiency in the English language? Not at all! It's all about our different experiences in life.

    Instead of feeling inferior because someone else can do something you can't, why not concentrate on what you can do that others can't?

     Essentially, experience is often the major difference between individuals. It's not about one person being superior to another, or vice-versa. The truth is that "all are educated and uneducated in different areas". The area regarding which you are most educated may be the other fellow's area where he's least educated, and vice-versa! What a difference the knowledge of this fact would make among men! There's no reason whatsoever to feel inferior to any other person in life, after all you were fearfully and wonderfully made by God (Ps 139:14).

  Wishing you a blessed month of December in advance.


Dearest Heavenly Father, I'm grateful that you made me without any deficiency. I'm fearfully and wonderfully made by the Master-Creator and that I know too well. Ojn. Therefore, I couldn't be better created than I am. Hallelujah!