I'm a new creature, I'm a brand new man

Old things have passed away

I'm born again.

More than a conqueror, that's what I am,

I'm a new creature, I'm a brand new man


“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” - 2 Corinthians 5:17

  The Bible says, if any man be in Christ, if any man becomes a Christian indeed, and he approves himself as such, he is, or he must be, a new creature.

This ought to be the concern of everyone who professes the Christian faith, that we are new creatures. This is not to mean that we have a new name, wear new clothes, or have a new home, but that we have a new heart and a new nature. The change we are talking about is what happens on the inside of a believer, so to say. It is not sometimes evident on the outside.

 The grace of God brings so much change in the soul of a born-again child of God. The phenomenon is such that, as it follows, old things are passed away, old thoughts, old principles, and old practices are all passed away; and all these things become new.

Note: The regenerating grace creates a new world in the soul of man and makes all things new. The renewed man acts from new principles, lives by new rules, with new ends, and in new company.

      When you accept the new nature of Christ, everything becomes new. All the old way of life is gone, your sins are forgiven and it's as if you had never sinned before.

The new birth is a new phenomenon from above. It's the direct operation of the Word of God and the Spirit of God upon one's life. It results in the change of your spirit completely when you truly repent and turn to God. This new creation is brought about in the following manner:

  • You must ecognize that you are a sinner, lost, without God, and without hope (Rom. 3:23).
  • You must admit that Jesus Christ died on the cross to save you from sin by His own precious blood.
  • You must come to God, turning away from your sin and confessing Jesus as your Lord, and you shall be born again. The Holy Spirit will then make you a new creature, a new creation. He cleanses you from all sin by the authority of the Word of God and by the blood of Christ which was shed to atone for your sin.
  • You must believe from your heart and confess with your mouth that God does forgive you of your sins and that you are born again.


Heavenly Father, I thank You for giving me another opportunity to return home. I receive fresh grace to abide to the end in Jesus' Mighty name.