"Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;" - 1 Peter 1:13 (KJV)

The event of the rapture is one that no one knows when it will be fulfilled. Like we said previously, it's one of those things or events that the Father has placed in His power (Acts 1:7; Matt 24:36). But in the meantime, as we await His second coming, one of the things that we are to do in order not to miss the rapture is for us to give our unflinching and unwavering attention to the Word of God.

     This becomes necessary because as believers, we have not only satan to contend with, but also the world. It's a known fact that the enemy will go to great lengths through lies and deceptions to water down God's truth. I pointed out previously in part 4, that satan will make us doubt not only the truth about the rapture of the saints, but also, will lie to us about the fact that it is an imminent or a soon coming event that requires our utmost attention. Besides, satan's main ministry in the lives of men is to make them live their lives in such a way to make them miss out on God's best, the rapture being one of such blessings from Him.

    The Bible clearly tells us in Rom 12:2  not to "be not conformed to this world: but be ... transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

When you renew your mind with the Word of God, you're invariably girding the loins of your mind (1Pet 1:13) To "gird up the loins of your mind"; to "be renewed in the spirit of your minds" (Eph 4:23) is to strengthen your minds with the Word of God against every form of satanic deceptions and influence that are marshaled against our faith in God. See also Col 3:10.

       Unless your mind has been renewed with the Word, your outward man which is open to satanic influence will want to rule or dominate your spirit through your soul. You must understand that satan has access to your outward man through your five physical senses. To be sense ruled is actually to be carnally minded (Rom 8:5-8). That's why you need to get your mind renewed with the Word of God so that your spirit, the real you, working with your mind, can govern your body.

     Renewing your mind with the Word of God is the most powerful antidote for satanic deceptions and schemes against your life. To renew your mind, you'll have to meditate on the Word of God because the Word is "spirit and life" which has the ability to transform the mind of man.

    In Rom 12:1-2, we see that God wants submitted bodies as well as transformed minds. There's a reason for that. He knows that is your greatest defense against satan. Without a renewed mind, the chances are that you'll continue to think like an unbeliever despite being born again. But with a renewed mind, you no longer think and act like you did when you were under satan's bondage, which is part of the reasons why you were saved.

   While we await the rapture therefore, we are to fill our minds and our thinking with the Word of God. This will keep our minds stayed on Him (Isa 26:3), which is a good thing to do in the face of the trials and temptations that we experience in our present generation.


Dear Father, while I await the rapture, I receive grace to renew my mind daily with the Word of God in order to keep myself ready for the revelation of Your Son from Heaven, in Jesus name.