We are heirs, of the Father

We are joint heirs, with the Son

We are children of His kingdom

We are family,

We are one


 "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." - Heb.10.25.

    The original intention of God was never meant for us to be alone. Christians are each member of Christ’s Body and are not supposed to live and act as though they are independent of each other, especially in times of suffering and need.

   God desires His children to be in one accord, in fellowship together in spirit and in love.

 "Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honor preferring one another;" - Rom.12.10.

   No one is to consider himself or herself as better than the other or as worse than the other.

No one is to live in isolation from the other. Sometimes, Satan works hard to isolate us from fellow brethren. He does this by convincing us that no one can understand or relate to our circumstances.

 When we live or feel alone and aren’t connected to the Body of Christ, we become more vulnerable to the enemy’s attacks.

It’s true that no one (other than Christ) can fully understand the effects of our specific trials. But by fellowshipping together, believers who have or haven’t suffered in the same way we have (whether by nature or intensity) can offer us the help and encouragement we need.

     The body of Christ is an incredible gift to all believers. One thing we need to know is that the enemy will do all he can to keep us from experiencing the beauty, protection, and blessings that results from being together in fellowship (1 Corinthians 12:24-27).

 Despite the fact that Jesus Christ is the only One who can fully understand and comfort us in the deepest sense, He often provides fellow believers to walk alongside us, to encourage and to help us; whether it be spiritual and material from.

You will agree with me that belonging to the Body of Christ and also keeping fellowship as brethren does a lot to help us in our Christian race. The comfort and encouragement that we receive from fellow brethren are vital to our spiritual well-being in this end of time.

   The comfort and encouragement that we receive from fellow brethren in the course of fellowship are necessary for the spiritual vitality that we need to possess in the face of untold satanic onslaughts that characterize the end of times that we currently have on our hands.

     Do not therefore be in the number of them that are known for "forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." - Heb.10.25.


Thank you, Everlasting Father, for raising up destiny helps for us in the Body of Christ.