"And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish?" - Mark 4:38, KJV.

In our part 1 in the series, we mentioned that God as LORD holds sway over the affairs of men. In some way that we cannot explain, God doesn't only direct the affairs of men, but He does so with much Majesty and Sovereignty that leaves men marveling.

" ... Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty;" - Revelation 15:3.

In part 1 in the series, I mentioned that one notable fact that is a direct consequence of the Lordship of God is that He NEVER apologizes to anyone over anything! This is because He's never wrong, no matter what! The absence of an apology is an expression of His glory and sovereignty.

   The passage of Scripture for consideration today was the instance when the Lord Jesus crossed the sea of Galilee with the disciples. Suddenly a great tempest rose up in the sea. The Lord was asleep, and the disciples were afraid. In Matthew's record of the event, the disciples said, "Lord, save us; we perish!" (Matt 8:25). But Mark, in his Gospel has something more to say: "Teacher, does it not matter to You...?" (Mk 4:38). Actually, the disciples questioned how He could sleep so soundly under such circumstances. But in line with His Majesty and Sovereignty over situations of life, the Lord Jesus rose and rebuked the wind and the waves, and they were still; then He turned and rebuked the disciples for their little faith (Mk 4:39-40). On the contrary, He didn't wake up from sleep to apologize to the disciples for sleeping when their lives were in jeopardy.

   With the Lord soundly asleep in the midst of a life threatening storm, it seems as if the disciples thought that they were right and the Lord was wrong. The winds and the waves were fierce, and the disciples were perishing. Hence they asked "Master, carest thou not that we perish?" - Mark 4:38. But the Lord did not wake up to apologize. Like as I pointed out, the absence of an apology is an expression of His glory and sovereignty. He knew that He did not oversleep, and He knew that He was not wrong to have slept. When He said unto them, "Let us pass over unto the other side.", He meant that they would cross to the other side. The disciples ought to have trusted in the Lord's word. Since He had said it, it must be so. There was no need to worry or to fear even if there were winds, waves, or whatever else that came up along their way. There was not one wasted word in the Lord, and no one can make Him apologize for anything. This is so because He always held sway in the things that affected His creatures. This shows the glory of our Lord! Hallelujah!

    Dear child of God,, do you experience fierce storms of life, so much that you desire to give up in despair? Whatever it is, hold on, keep trusting the Lord, don't lose courage, don't get offended by Him. Whatever it is that He has said to do in your life, consider it done; irrespective of any adverse circumstances around you. It's good and helpful that you know that the Lord is Master of circumstances! He's not only in firm control of all situations of life, He's also never, ever wrong; and this is to His glory. Once He got you to trust in Him, He made sure that When difficulty arose, He took care of it. He made sure also that His people were never disadvantaged by reason of whatever came their way in life. Let's give the Lord Praise!


Dearest Heavenly Father, I remain resolute, trusting in Your ability to see me through my life's journey. I believe that You will see me through and to have a safe landing in the end, in Jesus' mighty name.