Jesus who never fails, let me hide in you, let me hide in you. In you there is power.


 "But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." (Isaiah chapter 40 verse 31)

Our verse for today encourages us to have a close relationship with our God. We ought to spend quality and the best of our time with Him as our God, because He deserves our best and what is more, the endeavor is handsomely rewarding.

         Quietly waiting on God is a very essential exercise to a true child of God (ie, spending time alone with Him in prayers, worship, or reading of the Bible).

 This goes a long way to restore our bodies, minds, and  emotion than anything else we can do. We need to do this regularly.

      I urge you to cultivate the attitude of quiet time with God; do not let anyone take these consecrated moments from you. In these moments, God empowers you to face everything you need to do with renewed physical, emotional, mental and spiritual strength.

     God is the Source of our spiritual power in every storm of life.To say the least, coping with life’s many demands can be tiring.  The believer who depends upon the Lord can "mount up with wings as eagles".

  In Christ is the supernatural staying power and stamina that we need to face life threatening situations.

     In contrast to the strength that youthfulness and health provides, the person of faith can persevere long after others have given up on the race of life.

   The New Living Translation of Isaiah 40 verse 29 says, “God gives power to those who are tired and worn out, and he offers strength to the weak”,

      You need God’s power in many ways than you realize. Relying on your strength and energy to survive or cope with your pain and anxieties can be a great burden. For the Bible says in the book of 1st Samuel 2 verse 9  that "He will keep the feet of his saints, and the wicked shall be silent in darkness; for by strength shall no man prevail."

     Apostle Paul also reminds us in the Book of Philippians 4 verse 13 saying, “I have the strength to face all conditions by the power that Christ gives me”,

       When you believe in Jesus, you get God’s strength for a successful daily living.



Dear Heavenly Father, by Your Spirit that dwells in me, help me to cultivate the habit of spending quality time with You everyday of my life, in Jesus name.