"Truly my soul waiteth upon God: from him cometh my salvation." - Psalms 62:1 (KJV).

This message is a follow up on that  which I published on 5/8/2022 and 27/2/2023, both titled "The Need For Patience".

Patience is a Christian virtue that is necessarily needed to help us out as we wait on the Lord. Walking is much more desirable and less difficult than waiting. Waiting requires patience, and patience is a rare Christian virtue. God will sometimes require that we wait on Him. Sometimes, He does so by building hedges around us, manifesting in one form of restriction or another. Hedges built around us in the form of protection are most desirable. But where such hedges are restrictive by nature, we begin to feel agitated, wondering whether we are ever going to get out of that little sphere of influence and service unto a much better, larger, and much expansive sphere of influence.

   Truly, God has a purpose for asking His child to wait on Him. “The steps of a good man are ordered of the Lord,” reads Psalm 37:23.

   When we wait on God in obedience to His will, despite our craving to the contrary, we honor Him. By doing so, we demonstrate our steadfast confidence and trust in Him under apparent repulses.

In Isa 40:30 the Bible speaks about how that even natural strength cannot compare to the strength that we receive when we wait on God. The youths shall fail. Young men shall also fall. But those that wait on God will receive supernatural strength from Him.

Another great benefit of waiting on God is that as the Architect of our lives, He knows the way that we take. It's wise to follow His leading, whether to move or to wait, just as He led Israel by the Pillar of Cloud and Smoke in the day and by the Pillar of Fire in the night. He knows the best timing for the events of our lives. Under God's economy, it's called the fullness of time (Gal 4:4); or acceptable time (Ps 69:13, 2 Cor 6:2); appointed time (Job 7:1,14:14); set time (Job 14:13). Jesus, for example, was born in the fullness of time (Gal 4:4) . He was not born later or earlier. Doing anything outside God's timing will not bring fulfillment, neither will it bring the fullness of God's blessings, nor the peace and joy that we so much desire in life. The Bible says that God makes everything beautiful in His time (Eccl 3:11).

     As One who will instruct and teach us in the way which we should go and who is determined to guide us with His eye (Psalms 32:8), it's wise never to ignore God's command to wait on Him. This is so because as He's One that knows the end from the beginning, God is in the best position to counsel us in the things of life. Blessed are they that wait for the Lord (Isa 30:18).


Dearest Heavenly Father, as I obey your command to wait on you, may I find the much sought fulfilment, fulness of blessings, peace and joy, in Jesus' mighty