I'm standing upon the Word of God

The Word of God is power

I'm standing upon the Word of God

The Word of God is power


 "Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them." - (Isaiah chapter 42 verse 9)

  All glory to God Almighty for bringing us into yet another year of His awesomeness.

  The Word for the year has gone forth again and grace has been made available for everyone who cares to listen, to know and to do.

The Bible says that the Lord gave the Word: and great was the company of those that published it. (Psalm 68 stanza 11).

GOD has given His Word for the year and it has been published. It is "OUR YEAR OF NEW THINGS "

"Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert." (Isaiah chapter 43 verse 19)

    If God has said it, it's a done deal! He's not a man that He should lie and He's not the son of man that He should confess His sins. l love the song that says, "God says it and I believe it, that settles it.... "

It is amazing to know that we serve a God that can do all things. He is more than able to create new things out of nothing. In the first place, He created the world with the Word of His mouth. He is able to turn that old situation around and make everything new, to the end that you have a great testimony, in Jesus name.

     Let us not get stuck by settling for the former stuff (status quo). Sometimes we think that nothing else can be done regarding our situation. Very often, we conclude by saying, “this is the end of the road. This is how far I can go.” This is not what God is telling you this morning. He says that He "will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert." (Isaiah chapter 43 verse 19).

          In order for us to enjoy the promises of God concerning us, there has to be a change of our mindset. We have to get our thinking right and allow our thinking to line up with the Word of God, His thoughts concerning us. There's a high tendency to limit God by our thoughts. Many of us don’t know that wrong thinking is the reason why we remain on the same mountain year after year.

  Choosing to believe in God and to put away the things that may pose as limitations, you'll have to feed your spirit with His Word by regularly studying and meditating on His Word. While we do this, it's highly recommended that we do so with an open and a humble heart so as to get our whole being soaked with His will for us in life. Once again, Happy New Year!


Dear Heavenly Father, I command every spirit of limitation to take its  hand off my life. I receive grace to believe every Word of God that I hear and also to watch out for its fulfillment in my life, in Jesus' Mighty name.