Up on the mountain top

Up on the mountain top

Down in the valley below

Down in the valley below

Go proclaim, go proclaim

the Word of Jesus

Up on the mountain top


"But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth." - Acts.1:8.

 The above verse is the Word of our Master to every believer in Christ Jesus. Are you a born-again child of God? Then, this Word is for you.

Before our Lord Jesus Christ went to be with His Father in Heaven, He gave us a mandate to reach the world with His gospel. However, He was not lazy about spreading the good news of the kingdom or doing the good works He came to do.  Therefore, we should not be lazy about it too. Notwithstanding, we can not afford to jump the gun. He said; “wait for the promise of the Father …”

For us to be effective in this Great Commission, we've got to receive the baptism in the Holy Ghost.

Those who receive the baptism in the Holy Ghost are thereby endued with  power from on high, a supernatural power, a power above any other.  The apostles of old could never have done much or done anything all if they had not received the power from on high. This power enabled them to perform miracles, plant the gospel in the hearts of men and set up the kingdom of Christ in the world. Their admirable achievements were traceable to the fact that there was an excellent power working in them.This power was the promise of the Father,

   The good news is that this same power is on the inside of you and I, and we must know it and must confess it and work in that might. You have to understand that you are a carrier of what your generation needs.

Let us put our faith to work. We should not be comfortable seeing things going wrong around us. When we see people sick around us, our prayers are sure to do much. God is able to heal through our prayers of faith. When we come across any disheartened around us, we tell them the good news about God's kingdom, and they would be lightened up.

Christ had promised that the Gospel we preach shall be accompanied with signs and wonders.

"And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;" - Mark.16.17.

 Signs and wonder helped the apostles of old to spread the Gospel.

Acts 3:1-19.

Peter said silver or gold he had not, but what he had, he  gave to the lame man at the gate called beautiful. He was healed by the prayers of Peter.

Acts 8:4-40

Philip went to Samaria to preach and met with a sorcerer, who got converted because the Gospel was preached.

Acts 19:1-20

Paul's preaching in the city of Ephesus brought many to the knowledge of Christ and also many miracles were performed, and souls were added to the Church.

Every God given opportunity should not be neglected. Take advantage of it and preach the Word of God.


Dear Heavenly Father. I receive great grace to play my role in the Great Commission You have given to us in Jesus' Mighty name.