Be still and know that I am God

Be still and know that I am God

Be still and know that I am God


 "And Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will shew to you to day: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to day, ye shall see them again no more for ever." - Exodus chapter 14 verse 13.

  Satan loves to take advantage of us when we’re faced with adverse situations, tempting us in order to get to our very weak point, whispering lies that justify our self-pity and sinful responses. No matter how much Satan tries to lure us to doubt and sin against God, we should be able to resist him if we are true children of God, for the Bible says that as we resist him steadfast in faith, "he will flee from us"

     The Word of the LORD commands us to be still, not to do anything, so that we do not mar the process. As believers, we are sometimes reduced to great straits and brought into extraordinary difficulties. At such times, when we can not retreat; when we can not go forward; when we are shut up on the right hand and on the left, what are we to do? It's advisable that we do nothing but rather to resolve unto God for the next line of action. The Master’s Word to Moses when he was at his wit's end with the people of Israel was to “Stand still.” It was best for him to listen to the Word of the Master at such a time and to shun any other words or suggestions from other sources.

  Oftentimes, we come to such situations in life, not knowing what to do. Those are times when the devil will crowd our minds with so many suggestions, “Lie down and die", "give it all up", "put up a fight with him", "it's not a sin to do it, others are doing it", "you can not play the Christian rules, they are too difficult."; etc.

     These are the many things that believers go through on a daily basis in the hands of the devil. But God would have us put on a bold faith and cheerful courage. Even in our worst times, let us rejoice in the love of God and His faithfulness. God’s Word says in the book Romans chapter 10 verse 11, "For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed." According to the Word of the Lord, we can never be ashamed, as long as we put our trust in Him. Hallelujah!

       Bold faith means not jittering over any situations, seeing God coming through for you. In other words, faith is accepting God's facts over Satan's lies. By accepting God's facts, the devil is thrown off balance. If you choose to believe the report of God and shun that of Satan, you will see Him showing up for you according to His facts.

     GOD is no respecter of persons! As He showed up for Moses and the children of Israel, He's equally showing up for you, in Jesus name.

What is that challenge before you, dearly beloved? Dial God's emergency number right now! It's Jeremiah chapter 33 verse 3. It says, "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." Some of the great and mighty things which many don't know includes how God earnestly loves us, and how He desires to show forth in us His salvation and His victory over the devil.

     You have a testimony already! Praise the Lord!


Dear Heavenly Father, my confidence and hope are in You; and so therefore, I will never be ashamed in Jesus' Mighty name.