Do not allow me

Do not allow me

Do not allow me,

Jesus to go empty-handed.


" My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing." James chapter 1 verses 2 to 4.

  The Bible says we should not be offended when we pass through the challenges of life. Instead, we should count it all joy for going through such trails. They serve to mature us in the things of God. As gold passes through the furnace of fire for the purpose of purification, so God will oftentimes purposely allow the dross in our lives to be consumed by the fire of the trials of life. Through the process of trials, our character is tested and matured, and then the Lord will come gloriously to our aid.

    Without doubt or mincing of words, God knows all that we are passing through, and He is so concerned about us. What is more, He has a divine purpose regarding our lives. What is that purpose? To mature us and to bring the best out of us.

For this reason, we need to exercise patience as we go through the trials of life. We must never seek to short circuit the process of struggling.

     Everyone experiences struggles, and they’re meant for specific purposes; particularly to strengthen us. When we try to cut them short by temporal remedies such as pleasures, drunkenness, sex, or some other kind of sin, we miss out on the good purpose that God intends to bring about in our lives!

       It is not advisable to short circuit the struggles in our lives. They have eternal purposes. Let us hold fast to Jesus Christ, who has a purpose for allowing our pains, and has  promised to bring us through victoriously.

 "But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing." James chapter 1 verses 4.

    God often uses difficulties and obstacles to build our faith. When we are confronted with hindrances in the path of duty, we must recognize them as the trials of our faith. We are to approach them not with our own carnal or feeble strength but by the Spirit's  strength. The glory of the latter house shall definitely become greater than the former, in Jesus name.


Thank you, Lord Jesus, for taking your time to prepare me for your special purpose. My waiting shall never be in vain, in Jesus Mighty name.