"And the firstborn said unto the younger, Our father is old, and there is not a man in the earth to come in unto us after the manner of all the earth:  Come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father." (Genesis 19 verses 31 to 32, King James Version)

If only we could take heed to the Lord's Word, we wouldn't have problems with our lives. The Bible says that evil communication corrupts good manners (1st Corinthians 15 verse 33). In the last part of these series, I pointed out that it was doubtful if Lot had any benefits from his association with his godly uncle Abraham. His choice of Sodom, one of the cities of the plains of Jordan as a place to live was a very faulty decision. The Bible says that.

 "the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly." (Genesis 13 verse 13).

     It's a well known fact that action begets reaction. To me, Lot's choice of Sodom as a dwelling place was the main reason for his eventual losses. Having separated from his godly uncle, he lost the guidance of the prophet of God and thus became open and vulnerable to the evil communication of the inhabitants of that cursed city.

     The Bible is silent on who was Lot's wife, where she came from and when he married her. Perhaps, she was of Abraham's household or rather, from Sodom or from one of those cities on the plains of Jordan. Whichever is the case, we are certain that the impact of Sodom on her life was immense; so much that as she fled God's judgment on the cursed city, her heart couldn't disengage from its allurements. The Bible says that contrary to the angel's warning, she looked back and was turned to a pillar of salt (Genesis 19 verse 26). This was how Lot lost his wife.

     I personally believe that Lot lost some daughters in Sodom. The Bible says that the angels' requested Lot to bring out of Sodom any "son in law, and thy sons, and thy daughters, and whatsoever thou hast in the city,"

 (Genesis 19 verse 12). Following their request, Lot went to persuade his "sons inlaw, which married his daughters. But he seemed as one that mocked unto his sons in law." (Genesis 19 verse 14). From this narrative, we deduce that these daughters that were married to men in Sodom perished and were different from the two virgin daughters of Lot mentioned in Genesis 19 verses 8,15 and 30.

     Finally, from the Scripture reading for today, we have the account of the diabolic deception of Lot's two daughters on him. Again, I believe that this was the result of the negative impact of Sodom on them. They got him drunk to make him lie with them, one after the other, beginning with the elder daughter (Genesis 19 verse 30 to 35)

     In the first place, the fact that they moved from Zoar to the mountain for fear shouldn't be an excuse for that. Were they truthful when they said "there is not a man in the earth to come in unto us after the manner of all the earth:"? (Genesis 19 verse 31) Obviously not! Couldn't they have gotten other men to procreate offspring to preserve seed for their father? Did godly Abraham not send his servant Eliezer as far as to the city of Nahor to find a wife for Isaac? Couldn't they have gotten husband's from Abraham's household? I believe that the lewdness of these girls came from the influence of Sodom on them.

   May the Lord help us to be appropriately guided in life in Jesus name.


Lord, may You place around me godly men to guide me in life and may I never be a victim of evil association, in Jesus name.