Continue to work, and never be weary

Continue to work, and never be weary.


 "And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey... And I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth: lo, there thou hast that is thine." (Mathew chapter 25 verse 15 to 25)

 The fourth part of this message dwelt mostly on an incredible creature, the ant. It is known to be very diligent, busy, active, and productive.

In this part, we shall be considering the terms diligence and productivity, as a way of life. These terms are of utmost importance to our lives, if we desire to enjoy rest or reward at the latter part of our lives.

We've got to be very careful about the way we discharge our responsibilities in life, because as night follows day, so also whatever we do will come back greatly multiplied, either to bless or to curse us.

     The Bible reminds us about how wisely we should use the talents God has given to us. Each and everyone of us have been given some gifts and abilities. God, who is the greatest Economist, has gifted everyone according to his or her ability and strength. It is expected of us to make the maximum use of our gifts or talents, to the end that we bring forth fruitful results.

    The verse for today gives us a clear picture of two different classes of people. The one class was good and faithful and the other was wicked and slothful. The two servants that got five and two talents respectively were in the category of the good and faithful. They were not only faithful, but fruitful. The one that got one talent lazily went and buried it in the ground. He tried to justify his actions but this did not go down well with his master, who called him wicked and slothful. Nevertheless, let me point out that he was faithful, but not fruitful. That he didn't lose his talent made him faithful. It was in the matter of fruitfulness that he fell wanting. God wants us to be both faithful and fruitful.

     So many people out there often make excuses for their laziness and unfruitfulness, blaming it on others, or on their backgrounds, or on the economy. All these and more are not acceptable in the sight of God. His Word has instructed us to go and learn from the ant. "Go to the ant, O sluggard; observe her ways and be wise", God says!

  God wants us to be diligent in our work, for there is a great reward for hard work. The book of Proverbs chapter 22 verse 29 says "Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men."

The reward for diligence is that you will not stand before ordinary people, rather you will stand before kings. May this be our portion, in Jesus' name.


Thank You Heavenly Father for rewarding my labor with Your great blessings in Jesus' Mighty name.