"I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, Always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy," (Philippians chapter 1 verses 3 and 4, King James Version).

To make requests with joy is the natural consequence of faith in the Lord. The joy of the Christian, apart from being his strength (Nehemiah chapter 8 verse 10), is a natural follow-up on Romans chapter 8 verse 31 which says,

"If God be for us, who can be against us?" Joy is proof of one's security in God following His love for us coupled with His overwhelming power over whatever may come against us.

    According to Keneth Hagin of blessed memory, “Joy is a natural reaction to faith. If you will believe God, you won't have to worry about having joy. If you don't have joy, it is simply because your faith isn't grounded securely in God and in His Word.”

    Rejoicing in the Lord is a necessary Christian virtue that is needful for us in times of afflictions. It serves to bring us the comfort and strength that we need to press forward in times of trouble. The Bible says that the joy of the Lord is our strength (Nehemiah chapter 8 verse 10)

    The Scripture for the day reveals that the usual practice of Apostle Paul was to make his requests unto the Lord with joy; not with complaints, doubt or fear or sorrow of heart. This is remarkable and worthy of emulation; especially when it's considered that Paul wrote the epistle from the Roman jail.

    Under those debilitating circumstances, where did the Apostle draw his joy from? Certainly, from Scriptures which he believed to be infallible and inerrant. For instance, the Apostle believed that no matter whatever was his predicament in life, all things would work out together for his good (Romans chapter 8 verse 28); and that it was his earnest expectation and hope that in nothing in life shall he be ashamed (Philippians chapter 1 verses 12 to 20).

     To exhibit joy in the face of adversity and to pray making requests with joy is a confident demonstration of faith in God that He will do as He had promised to do. It shows that you believe God in spite of contrary or adverse circumstances.

      As you make joy and rejoicing in the Lord your daily practice, you'll be amazed to find that this same practice will follow you into your prayer closet, causing you to make your "requests with joy"; just as it was with the Apostle!

    When in Philippians chapter 4 verse 4) God commanded His people to rejoice always, He knew what He was talking about. The Bible says that for us, "it is safe." (see Philippians chapter 3 verse 1). This means that the Christian that functions in joy and rejoicing is on a safer ground. So, never let the devil steal your joy! Joy in the Lord is a strong defense against satanic onslaughts. 


Knowing that the joy of the Lord is my strength, I refuse to allow satan to steal my joy. I joy and rejoice always in the Lord, in Jesus name.