Jesus never fail

Jesus never fail

The man of the world may let you down, but Jesus never fails.


 " Then said Martha unto Jesus, Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died."John.11.21

 No situation is too late or too bad for JESUS to fix.

It does not matter how severe the situation is or how long it has been pending. You may be thinking of the remaining few days for the year to run out and perhaps, concluding in your mind that nothing else can be done for you. I tell you that a lot more can still be done for you and your family before the year ends because our God is very well able and never too early or too late, He comes at the nick of time.

 From our Scripture reading this morning, we saw that Lazarus was sick for a couple of days and Jesus was invited to administer healing on him. But the Lord delayed and Lazarus gave up the ghost.

Can a child of God be sick? Yes!

Can the answers to our prayer be delayed? Emphatically yes!  Can a child of God die? Of course yes!  All these things are common in the lives of  Christians. This is not to deny the fact that God loves and cares so much about us. This also does not reduce God from whom He is either. The Bible says in that "... his sisters sent unto him, saying, Lord, behold, he whom thou lovest is sick". - John.11.3

Yes, Jesus loved Lazarus and was His very good friend. The sisters never doubted that He would speed at all hazards and stay their brother from death; but, “When he had heard therefore that he was sick, he stayed two days still in the same place where he was " - Jn 11:6

 Lazarus was dead for days, and that is the worst thing that can happen to anyone but; when Jesus showed up everything changed. If the situation of Lazarus that was beyond any reasonable human repair could be transformed and made anew by Jesus, the unchangeable Changer, what is it in your life that God can not turn around to the glory of His name? Besides, God  will not allow any thing that is more than you to come to you.  " There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it." -- 1Cor.10.13

 JESUS did not put flowers at the grave of Lazarus as others would have done. Rather, He brought him out. In the same vein, He is bringing you out of that ugly situation now, and there shall be no further delay in Jesus name, I prophesy to you this morning, that the time for God to favor you has come in Jesus name. Receive your healing, receive your husband, receive your wife, receive your children, receive your house, receive your promotion, receive your admission and much more, in Jesus' Mighty name.


The corpse of Lazarus was in the tomb and heard the voice of Jesus. So therefore I decree and declare that every good thing that is dead in my life shall hear the voice of Jesus and resurrect by fire, in the name of Jesus.