I'm not alone ooo

I'm not alone ooo

In all my journey

Jesus is with me

I'm not alone.


"But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold." (Job chapter 23 verse 10)

It's soothing to know that the Lord knows us, and that He's aware of all that we go through in life. He has promised never to leave or forsake us. His Word has assured us that when He's through with us, we will come forth as gold. Hallelujah!

  We must be careful not to take ourselves out of God's position for us. This is to ensure that we don't miss out on every single lesson that He wants to teach us. Deliberately, God might place us in some places with the purpose of teaching us some lessons. As we find ourselves in God's school, our attitude may very well determine what becomes of us in the end.

  Let us liken this to a child who is enrolled in a school, with the purpose of learning some specific lessons. It is expected of such a child to take the lesson with all seriousness. Failing to approach the lessons with a positive attitude might lead to the child not being promoted to the next class.

   The same applies to every child of God. Wherever we are placed in life, or whatever issues we are called to handle, we must approach the same positively so that we do not prolong the process and, in the end, delay our promotion. Our readiness and pliableness in God's Hand will also determine how fast our desired promotion would be. Let's examine ourselves this morning to see if we have at any time been unyielding and obstinate before the Lord, so we may repent and follow His leading for us in life.

The Bible says, "And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children." (Isaiah chapter 54  verse 13).

    Since the Lord knows the way that we take, we ought to let Him take the lead. Involving God in all we do, and at the same time, allowing ourselves to be taught and led by Him, is definitely a wise thing to do; and as the Scripture says, the end of such an endeavor is great peace.


Lord, I surrender to You, that You may lead me in all my ways, in Jesus' Mighty name.