"Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." (Hebrews chapter 13 verse 5, King James Version)

What God has said about you is not only the truth (the reality), but in relation to your situation, it's also final and unassailable in the circumstance, should you know it and take advantage of it for your benefit.

    Ignorance is the bane of many a Christian. "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge", says the Lord in Hosea chapter 4 verse 6.

The lack of knowledge destroys. It leads men into captivity (Isaiah 5 verse 13; Hos 4 verse 6) Again, it not only leads to God rejecting men,  it's also capable of leading men to hell (see Hosea 4 verse 6 and Isaiah 5 verse 14, respectively). The lack of knowledge makes men go dry, thirsty and famished (Isaiah 5 verse 13). But on the other hand, knowledge of the truth brings freedom, deliverance and liberty. It's pertinent to know and understand that the truth does not make you free, but the knowledge of it does (John 8 verse 32).

To be victorious and to remain so, you must not only know what God has said concerning your situation, you must be able to take advantage of it for your benefit.

     Unfortunately, there are many people today in the Christian faith whose experiences in life are the opposite of their faith. They believe in their healing, for instance and yet remain sick. Again, a whole lot believe that satan is a defeated foe, yet they wallow constantly under the yoke of his oppression and bondage.

    In such cases, there's something obviously wrong. It's either that they are ignorant of the Word of God regarding their life situations, or that they have a wrong understanding of it.

   If only we knew, understood and took advantage of what God has said, we would forever walk and live in victory. As we live therefore, let our energies be channeled to searching for what "He hath said'' because therein lies our deliverance, prosperity, victory and success in life.

      There may be a promise in God's Word which might exactly fit your life's situation, but you may not know of it; and therefore you miss its comfort, solace and power of deliverance. In that case, you are like prisoners in a dungeon, and there may be one key in the bunch which would unlock the door for your freedom; but because you do not look for it, or because you are ignorant of it, you might remain a prisoner still, though your liberty is so close. 

     Let what "He hath said" avail and serve you daily. "Search the Scriptures", memorize and meditate on what "He hath said", act on them and you'll be amazed at what it produces for you. The Biblical instruction to us is to let the Word of God dwell in us richly, to the end that its profiting may be seen by all around us (see Colossians chapter 3 verse 16 and 1st Timothy chapter 4 verse 15). This remains the only sure way to experience God in the midst of life's turbulences.


Lord, what You have said is what sustains me in life. As I search the Scriptures, may You open my eyes of understanding to know them, in Jesus name.