He will never let me fall

He will never let me fall

He is never weary

He will never let me fall


"For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope: for a living dog is better than a dead lion." (Ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 4 )

   Many of us are used to the habit of looking on the negative side of things, not taking to heart what God has done in their lives. They seem to dwell more on what He has not done for them. In fact God has done so much for humanity, but most of us tend to dwell on what we are going through or what we have gone through in life, than the numerous things He has done for us. Our being alive is more than anything one can ever imagine. The Bible says "a living dog is better than a dead lion."

  Some people look at the Christian life as one of disappointment, fruitlessness, and uncertainty. All they see is about the little dark side of their lives, ignoring the great light that Christ has made available to all. The Bible says that

"In him was life; and the life was the light of men." (John chapter 1 verse 4).

 The life of Jesus lights up every dark area of our lives and every darkness around us.

We need to be very conscious about these facts. Again, It is written as follows:

 "And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not." (John chapter 1 verse 5.)

  This same light of Christ that was imparted into us at conversion makes us overcome. Therefore, we need to stand strong with the attitude of an overcomer, never to give in to fear or whatever kind of intimidation from the pit of hell.

Our victory has been settled in Christ Jesus. For the fact that you and I are alive is enough evidence of God's faithfulness.  This also serves to build up our confidence, that He that has kept us alive will never leave us uncared for. God is a very good God. He desires the best for us.

God is also the all-powerful; and it's great to know that His power to produce the positive results we desire  is on the inside of us. Hallelujah!


God's faithfulness is greatly at work in my life. I shall not fail and I shall not falter, in Jesus' Mighty name.