I can not do without you,

I can not do without you,

I can not do without you, o Lord;

I can not do without you,

can not do without you,

I can not do without you,

I can not do without you, o Lord.



"And the LORD said, Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do; ... ? (Gen chapter 18 verse17)


 Communication is a vital requirement for a healthy relationship. Whether it is with our fellow humans, friends and family or with God, we need to engage in constant conversation in order to secure a vibrant relationship. Merely meeting with someone without a corresponding effort at knowing him will never lead to a fruitful relationship.

       This is true with the Lord and ourselves. For instance, the practice of rushing into His presence and rushing out without having a good time in fellowship with Him can never forster a healthy relationship between us. God is our Friend. Building relationships with friends involves a whole lot of things. It requires time, love, commitment, sharing, compassion, and sacrifice. A good relationship has to have all these necessary ingredients, and many more, for it to work.

       The relationship between God and Abraham was built upon these pillars. Without doubt, Abraham loved God very dearly. Apart from the fact that he had good time with Him in fellowship, he was committed to Him in service and in sacrifice. God Himself commended Abraham for this and called him His friend (Isaiah chapter 41 verse 8). The result of this was that God shared secrets with Abraham, His friend. The Bible says, "And the LORD said, Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do; ... ?"

God is no respecter of persons. What He said or did to Abraham, He will say or do to us under the same circumstances.

    Our relationship with God can be built by sharing all of our life's experiences with him through communion. This takes us to the ìmpotance of establishing a daily devotional time with God.

God wants more than an appointment in our schedules. He wants to be included in everything we do. Let us learn to involve Him in every activity, every conversation, every problem, and even every thought of ours. This is when we can be sure of the greatest of results in our relationship with God.

 Abraham probably did not hide his secrets from God, as his Friend. In consequence thereof, God didn't need to hold anything back from him. The same principles are at play in our relationship with Christ. In John chapter 15 verse 15, He said:

"Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you."

        God wants to share His secrets with us. Apart from the wealth of knowledge that the Bible offers us, the Lord wants to go further revealing things to us as His friends. We can develop our relationship with Him by cultivating the habit of making the Word of God our companion, meditating and internalizing it. As we do this, it's certain that He will not hide anything from us,  but rather, will make everything bare to us.

   God will always speak to us by His Spirit through His Word if we continue to have a constant fellowship with Him.

Through this, we know His mind concerning the issues that relate to us.

       Develop a good and a cordial relationship with God, and you will be glad that you did, in Jesus name.



Thank You Heavenly Father for being my best Friend. I can not hide anything at all from You, O Lord. Glorify Yourself in every area of my life, in Jesus' Mighty name 🙏