Love your neighbors

Love your neighbors

Love your neighbors, as yourself

Love your neighbors

Love your neighbors.

 Charity begins at home


"He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he pay him again." - Prov 19:17.

The Bible says that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. I love the Message translation that says, "But God put his love on the line for us by offering his Son in sacrificial death while we were of no use whatever to him." -  Rom.5.8 [MSB]

 Yes, "God put His life on the line for us by offering his Son in sacrificial death while we were of no use whatever to him."

  The same way God showed us mercy, we are to have pity on the poor, not because they deserve it but because it's good to do good. This is something that we should do  especially because of the situation we find ourselves in this country today. Dare to touch a life at every given opportunity.

In our times of failure and unworthiness, God's arms are ever open to welcome us back home, like it was with the father of the prodigal son. The poor and the needy do not have to do anything spectacular to deserve our sympathy or kindness; in as much as we did not do anything good to deserve the sacrificial death of our Savior.

      We don't show kindness in order to be seen and applauded of men; but we do it secretly, out of pure sympathy and compassion. Besides, when we show kindness, we don't expect to get anything back in return; not even by way of gratitude from the recipients; rather, we should regard it  done as unto the Lord; as a loan to Him. That is when our reward will be great. What an honor it is to lend to the Lord! This is to mean that we are creditors in His books.

     Never should we see or consider the poor around us as burdens. Rather, we should see them as fertile soils to sow our seeds. What is more, Jesus said that we should Love our  neighbors even as He loved us. (Jn 13:34,15:12). As Jesus did not consider His life too great to lay down for us as sinners, we ought not to see anything as too great to lay before the poor and the needy.

    Make sure that you show kindness to someone around you today and as regularly as occasion presents itself. As you do so, you'll be doing God's will, for which you'll be greatly appreciated.


 Dear Heavenly Father, help me never to be tired of well doing. Grant that I'm not destitute of what I need to minister to the poor and the needy, in Jesus Mighty name.