We are saying, faithful are You Lord,

faithful are You Lord ooo

Faithful are You Lord, faithful.


"Understand, therefore, that the Lord your God is indeed God. He is the faithful God who keeps his covenant for a thousand generations

(Deuteronomy 7 verse 9)

The faithfulness of God towards His people can not be overemphasized. He is at the same time unchanging, so therefore, you can rely upon His Word and promises. You can also rest confidently and act boldly upon His unfailing Word. His faithfulness concerning you and your family can't be aborted.

   "As we have heard, so have we seen in the city of the LORD of hosts, in the city of our God: God will establish it forever. Selah." (Psalm 48 stanza 8).

   God will neither turn back from His promises, nor will He leave it unfulfilled.

When challenges arise, His Word becomes a sure foundation on which you can stand. Otherwise, emotions can easily lead you astray through faulty thinking. You therefore need to hold fast to your faith in Him, He will not fail and will not disappoint. He is a faithful God.

  Dear child of God, remember that whenever you are at your worst and lowest, know for sure that God’s arm is underneath you.

  Most times, you might not see what God is doing with our physical eyes. You can choose to see with the eyes of the spirit, the eyes of faith. The Spiritual is what begets the physical. Once you are able to settle the issue in the spiritual, the result must surely manifest physically.

  God’s covenant engagement and His everlasting love in Christ Jesus towards you can not be truncated by the enemies of your soul.

  He is the faithful God who keeps his covenant for a thousand generations and lavishes his unfailing love on those who love him and obey his commands.

  Therefore, rest upon His promises, knowing that His Words are full of truth and power; and rest in the covenant of his grace, which is a great delight to the soul of all His servants. In the course of time, everything will work out according to God’s perfect plan for you.


Your faithfulness O Lord, endures forever. Thank You, Lord, for making me a benefactor of it, in Jesus Mighty name.