"Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life" - Prov 13:12

 There is no joy known like unto one that is in consequence of the fulfillment of a desire or of the meeting of an expectation. When that which you hope for is deferred, we are constrained to wait for it. Sometimes, it's God's desire and design that we wait on Him; but sometimes also, we are wrongly made to wait for that which God is pleased to give or has given to us. Ignorance on our part and the devil's evil machinations usually accounts for this unfortunate circumstance in our lives.

 Care must be taken not to defer that which God has ordained for us. At all times we should approach God with a living faith; a NOW faith. We should see God, our Father, not only able but willing to grant our heart's desire. We should not be like Martha whose procrastinating faith could have derailed Lazarus' resurrection (Jn 11:23-24); but for the Lord's determination to glorify Himself in the matter of Lazarus!

 God's pleasure in fulfilling the desire of His children is untold! He wants to lend credence to the reliability of His word by doing that which it says. He said in Jeremiah 1:12, that He'll hasten His word to perform it. By doing so, He builds not only our trust in Him, but also, our faith.

 May the Lord grant you the fulfillment of your heart's desire and banish every deferment of your hopes, in Jesus name.

Do have a wonderful week.


Dearest Heavenly Father, thank you for making haste, fulfilling every of my heart desires, in Jesus name.