"And when the LORD saw that Leah was hated, he opened her womb: but Rachel was barren." - Genesis 29:31 (KJV)

 Simply put, hatred is the state of extreme dislike or disgust for someone else. It's a state of mind that's tainted by ill will, resentment, prejudice and animosity against another. Hatred is listed in God's Word as among the works of the flesh and "... they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. - Galatians 5:19-21 (KJV). That's very serious!

    The commandment is that "Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart: ..."   (Leviticus 19:17). This is to say in other words that hatred isn't to be among brethren. The reason for this is that "Hatred stirreth up strifes: … " - Proverbs 10:12 (KJV). Yet and in spite of God's commandment against hatred, we find it too frequently among the children of God. If you knew the consequences of hating a child of God, you wouldn't dare it. The Bible says that they that hate the righteous shall be cursed (Deut 30:7); desolate (Ps 34:22) and clothed with shame (Job 8:22).

Joseph's brothers paid dearly for hating Joseph and were for a good while hunted by the consequences thereof. Conversely, as a child of God, when you are hated, the Bible calls you blessed (Lk 6:22).

         Yes, the Lord sides with the hated!

In Genesis 29:31, the Bible says that the Lord saw that Leah was hated. This is to mean that she wasn't shown as much love as she ought to. Perhaps, the reason why Leah was hated was because she was consenting to the fraud by which she became wife to Jacob (Gen 29:21-22). Nevertheless, God wasn't consenting to her being hated by Jacob or Rachel. The Bible says that "... when the LORD saw that Leah was hated, he opened her womb ... " (Gen 29:31). This shows that often those who are despised or hated by men are favored by God.

  What people don't understand is that once you decide to hate a child of God, you have in effect brought him into favor with God. Joseph was hated by his brothers (Gen 37:5) and in consequence thereof, they sold him into Egypt. But we see how God rose up for him. I want you to understand that from the moment he was sold into Egypt, it was as though everything that happened in Canaan, in Jacob's life and the lives of the other eleven sons weren't relevant anymore to Heaven! This is so because the Bible gives us no account of whatever was happening to them. Hatred serves to turn issues against them that function therein. From the moment the little boy was sold into Egypt in consequence of his brothers' hatred, God's spotlight of relevance shifted from Canaan (where Jacob and the other eleven sons dwelt) to Egypt, all because of Joseph!

       Joseph was sold into Egypt in Genesis Chapter 37. Except for chapter 38 where the Holy Spirit deemed it fit to give us a report of the genealogy of Judah, the entirety of chapters 39 to 50 were dedicated to Joseph and his life in Egypt. That's how terrible God can be, siding with the one that is hated! Don't hate,  please! Your hatred will simply serve to put the hated into blessing and favor with God.

      Dear beloved, if for any reason you are hated, I'm writing to encourage you that those that hate you have in effect put you into favor with God! It was so with Leah and Joseph; and I prophesy to you that your haters will be put to shame very soon, in Jesus' Mighty Name. On the other hand, if you hate someone, I pray that you repent immediately and in place thereof, show love. This is so because curses, shame and desolation from God Almighty awaits them that hate others. This is God's Word!


Dearest Heavenly Father, forgive me for hating others. Henceforth, I repent of this sin. Thank you for helping me to show love to others around me, in Jesus' mighty name.