" ...be of good cheer; I have overcome the world". - John 16:33

I don't know how you look at tribulations. Jesus, our Lord, in the passage above cited, told us very clearly that we would have them in the world. He went on to tell us "to be of good cheer"; for, He has overcome the world. To "be of good cheer" is to be 'excited'. In other words He is asking us to be excited in the midst of tribulations. James has put it like this: "...count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations" (James 1:2)

Someone may ask, saying, " Pastor, how is it possible for one to "be of good cheer" in the midst of troubles and woes? " ABSOLUTELY POSSIBLE!

Aside from the Ten Commandments of God which we all know, there are several other commands that Jesus gave to us, the obedience of which is designed to help us in our walk with Him. To "be of good cheer" is one of them. We obey God's Commandments because He gave them, and also, because it serves us well to do so. Besides, we owe Jesus, our Lord and Saviour absolute obedience. When you are "of good cheer" in the midst of troubles, you are attesting to the truth that He has overcome the world. He overcame the world, not for Himself, but for us. We need to be excited about His victory over the devil and the world. Anything to the contrary, is the result of ignorance and/or lack of appreciation.

Nothing is so unworthy of a Christian as a fretful spirit, a gloomy temper, a morose-looking face! Not only is it unworthy of a Christian, but it is dishonoring to God; and it causes the enemies of truth to speak reproachfully. In other words, not to "be of good cheer" is unchristian; and to "be of good cheer" is Christian, because the Author of Life and of Christianity has commanded it.

        Friend, have you been to some churches where you virtually 'force' the congregation to say "Amen" to prophetic utterances and prayers; where, in the midst of preaching, everyone wears a gloomy face as though they were in mourning! It's so, so sad! The message of Christ is "good news" and so, it should excite you. Could it be that our Pastors are to blame for this? Do they fail to present what is "good" in the "news" to the congregation? God help us Pastors; for l also, am a Pastor!

       Friend, I write to ask you to get excited about life, for, "because He lives, you can face tomorrow". Job said " … I know that my Redeemer liveth... " (Job 19:25). Besides, all things work together for your good ( Romans 8:28). Hallelujah! What else can be as refreshing as this? SHALOM!


Dearest Heavenly Father, henceforth I receive your Word as the Good News that it is. I am of good cheer, believing that you conquered and overcame the world and the devil for me. My life is one full of testimonies in consequence thereof, to the glory of God, in Jesus name.