"By faith they passed through the Red sea as by dry land: which the Egyptians assaying to do were drowned"

- Hebrews 11:29

Relationship to God is a powerful channel through which we receive from Him. To experience God, there has to be a relationship to Him. Indeed, God wants men to relate to Him so as to experience Him, and to tap into the abundance of His grace for their benefit. But faith in Jesus Christ, God's Son is the ground on which we stand in order to attract His attention.

       It has to be acknowledged that God differentiates between His own and those who do not belong to Him. The only way we become related to God so as to become God's own is through Jesus Christ, His Son (John 14:6). This relationship confers on us great and awesome privileges to which we would not have been entitled as foreigners, but for our position in Him through Jesus Christ, the Lord! It's been said that God may be the Creator of all, but He is certainly not the Father of all. He is Father only to those that are in Him through Jesus Christ, His Son. Those of us in Christ, God treats with special love and care.

          For instance, the same thing when done by us as believers and when done by unbelievers is not the same thing! In the passage cited above, Israel went through the Red sea on dry land, which when the Egyptians attempted to do were drowned. In other words, what was faith in Israel was presumption in Egypt! Israel could do what it did because she stood on the ground of covenant relationship and faith. The Egyptians on the other hand were merely presumptuous; and that, to their detriment and eventual destruction.

          May we all come to God through Jesus, so we may become God's own and be entitled to His backing in our endeavours in life, in Jesus name.

 Have a great day!

If you desire to be in this covenant relationship with God, simply say the following prayer:


Dearest Heavenly Father, I believe that you sent your Son Jesus Christ to die for me on the Cross of Calvary. I repent of my sins, I confess Jesus now as my Lord and my personal Savior. Dear Lord Jesus, come into my life and live your Life through me. Henceforth, I'm in Christ and in a covenant relationship with God the Father, in Jesus mighty name, amen.

     If you've prayed this short prayer, you are born again, have become God's child and in that covenant relationship with Him. Congratulations!