Who is on the Lord’s side?

I want to know

I am on the Lord’s side.

Who is on the Lord’s side?

I want to know

I am on the Lord’s side.


"And he answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them." - 2 Kings 6:16

  We have the majority because we are with God; for as the saying goes, the one with God is with the majority. Hallelujah 🙌

  In Dothan, the prophet was shut up by horses and chariots and a great host of armies from Syria. His young servant was alarmed. How could they escape from such a body of armed men? But the prophet had eyes which his servant had not, and he could see a greater host with far superior weapons guarding him from all harm. Horses of fire are mightier than horses of flesh, and chariots of fire are far preferable to chariots of iron.

As my Pastor would always say, it is not that the man of God or the Prophet really saw anything with his physical eyes. But because he had walked with his God and had tasted of His faithfulness, he knew for sure that God could not leave him without defence. He knew that God had promised never to leave him or forsake him.  "Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee" - Hebrews  13:5

The questions I want us to ask ourselves this morning are: how long have we walked with God and how much of Him do we know? How fast are we standing upon His word?

How many of His promises have we appropriated by faith?

God has armies in ambush who will reveal themselves in the hour of need. The forces that are on the side of the good and the true children of God, far outweighs the powers of the devil. Therefore, let us keep our spirits up, and walk as great men of faith, who possess a cheering secret, which can lift them above all fear.

We are on the winning side. The battle may be fearsome, but we know how it will end. For us, victory is sure!

By faith, having God with us, is a clear majority.

Let this mind be in you that "…They that be with us are more than they that be with them." - 2 Kings 6:16


 Thank you Lord Jesus for being ever with me in every battle of life, I am never alone at any point in time, in Jesus name.