Psalm 139:14

" I will praise thee; for l am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well ".

Philippians 4:13

" I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me "

I once watched a man without arms play the tune "Your grace is enough" ON DRUMS! But how did he do it without arms? What about Pastor Nicholas James Vujicic, who was born without arms and legs, but has become a global motivational Evangelist?

        His life's story is very captivating and so encouraging. To me, it speaks volumes. The immediate lesson I learned about him is that he never allowed his physical disability to determine his status in life. The kind of disability with which he's known is congenital; it's a physical disability from birth, regarding which, to so many other people, nothing could have been done about it. But not with him! He rather lived to thank God for it, and to appreciate Him for doing something in his life, different from what He did to others; and like the Psalmist would say "I will praise thee for l am fearfully and wonderfully made:..." What others generally thought and regarded as a life's challenge, he saw as an opportunity! He grabbed it and turned it dexterously into something so captivating, something to be envied by others, so much so that his physical disability no longer became the issue but rather, his stardom! The last check I had on him, I discovered that he was married to a beautiful wife, with four children.

     This man, in the face of a dehumanizing disability, dared to stand upon God's word that "... marvelous are thy works and that my soul knoweth right well" (Psalm 139:14). He saw himself different from others; and believed that he had been perfectly created; knowing right well also that God could not have made a mistake in creating him that way. Others could have charged God with having made a mistake in creating them different from others; but this man saw himself custom made by God! MARVELOUS ARE THY WORKS, OH LORD!

          No matter your disability in life, learn to appreciate God for it. The Bible says that "in every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you" ( 1 Thessalonians 5:18). Learn to see something good about that thing that differentiates you from others. Are you very dark or very fair in complexion? Are you smallish in stature? Are you very tall that your height poses some concern to you? What about your dental arrangement? Do you feel ashamed because you think God did not arrange them like he did in the case of Mr Pepsodent? What about your eyeballs? Do they look bulging like that of the toad? Are you educationally disadvantaged? Is it that you are of a poor background?    Friends, learn from me: that the thing which you consider a physical challenge, if appreciated and properly harnessed by you, may turn you into someone to be envied by others.

         From where do you draw strength, courage and inspiration to turn your seeming physical disability to something worthwhile? FROM JESUS OUR GREATEST EXAMPLE in life! Despite the challenges He had in life ( Eg, in the eyes of man, His paternity was in doubt. His general dispositions in life were a far cry from the qualities of the expected Messiah: He was born in a manger as there was no place found for Him in the inn; He was born to very poor parents; His brethren that ought to be first to believe in Him were last to do so; His hometown likewise did not believe Him; He was hated without cause, yet no one ever faulted Him, etc. ). In spite of all these and many more, Jesus remained resolute. He believed in Himself, pressing forward with His goals in life; and today, He is undoubtedly known as the greatest Man ever to live!

      To us believers, He is not only our Example, but He's also our Strength, and as the Scriptures say, WE CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS US (Phil 4:13). Let this be your mindset and you are a winner all day.



Dearest Heavenly Father, l thank you for making me the way l am. I receive inspiration to harness my God given potentials, in Jesus name.