He loves me oo

I can not say why

He died on the cross

Just for you and me

He gave His own life

As a ransom for many.

He loves me ooo

I can not say why


"Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion: for the time to favour her, yea, the set time, is come " - Psalm 102:13

To find oneself in an undesirable situation in life is not a new thing. Yet, our attitude at such times is what matters the most. The Psalmist confessed that there would be restoration for Zion as God would favour her. He knew that the wall of Jerusalem would be broken down, the city would be devastated by the enemy and the people of the land taken into captivity. In spite of these, he was hopeful that the time of restoration would l come.

Every great man you ever met in life, had at one time or the other in the past experienced some ugly moments. Everyone has one story or the other to tell about life's experiences. As humans, we are prone to mistakes, disappointment, delays, etc. We can recall that we had experienced one beautiful or ugly moment in time past.

Whether it be failure or success in life,  it's never a full stop but a corner to our journey in life.

We are not like the angels who hardly make mistakes. At a point the angels were faulted by God in areas of dispensing their. duties. We are bound to have weaknesses, errors mistakes and limitations in life.

   As close as Peter was to Jesus, he had so many weaknesses, errors, mistakes and limitations. For instance, Peter slept when Jesus needed him the most. The Bible says that  " ... He cometh, and findeth them sleeping, and saith unto Peter, Simon, sleepest thou? couldest not thou watch one hour?"  -  Mark.14.37.

Jesus said to them, "sleep  on" and at that point, the grace to stand against temptation was taken away from him. He then relied on his flesh to face the circumstances that came his way.

A man without grace is a man that is no longer in the power of the Holy Spirit. He's a man that is liable to disgrace. Disgrace is to be destitute of grace.

Peter could only remember the physical sword instead of the spiritual sword which is the word of God and the power of the Holy Ghost. He also at a point denied his Master out rightly. But thank God that God's mercy still found him out.

The mercy of God is ever and always available to restore any and everyone that has fallen out of His grace.

 Are you such a one that thinks that you are beyond restoration?

The Bible says in the book of 2 Cor 12.9: "And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me."

When we humanly think less worthy of His sacrificial death, that's when He considers us most worthy dying for.

  "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." - Rom.5.8

In our moments of failure and despondency, God's arms are ever opened to welcome us back home like the father of the prodigal son did. This is still so. no matter how far we might have gone.

 Are you ready to accept His offer of reconciliation and restoration? If I were you, I would just give Jesus the opportunity to be the LORD of your life, for this is the main purpose of His coming.


Dear Heavenly Father.  Like the prodigal son, I come to say I'm sorry for all my sins and shortcomings. Lord Jesus, come into my life and be Lord and Savior over me. Thank you Father for being so merciful unto me in the Mighty name of Jesus. 🙏 🙏 🙏