... and great multitudes followed him, and he healed them all;" - Matthew 12:15 (KJV).

Divine healing is an area that has been the subject of much controversy and debate among scientists and unfortunately also, among theologians and believers as well. Much as this has been the case from time, I'm glad that it's fast becoming a matter of common knowledge and acceptance that God does heal. We have had many instances of divine healings put to scrutiny and investigation by medical science and they were found to be inexplicably true! Now, the crucial question is: does God heal?

    Emphatically yes, God heals! But how He heals cannot be figured out by medical sciences. Divine healing is spiritual! God's healing is spiritual healing. If medical science heals, it heals through the physical. But when God heals, He heals through the spirit. It's been generally accepted that  Doctors "treat", while God "heals". This is indisputable proof that Divine healing is superior to medical healing. Suffice for now that we note that faith is the channel through which Divine healings are wrought. While faith is an indispensable ingredient by which man can function victoriously in the realm of the spirit, science, on the other hand, has not and cannot appreciate faith as an active ingredient by which man can access his needs, for instance, healing. If it's not of the senses, then medical sciences have no clue whatsoever and are at a complete loss and without cue.

   God is the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. In the account of Creation in the Book of Genesis, God created everything by His Word. He called things forth and they were so! To call things forth is God's method of creation. In Romans chapter 4 in the seventeenth verse we have the key to Divine operation laid out as it relates to creation. "(As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were." - Romans 4:17.

Calling things that are not as though they were is the same thing as to “create” in Gen 1:1,21,27,2:3. In Rom 4:17, God is alluded to as One "who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were." God's ability to quicken the dead is in other words referring to Him as being able to make alive the dead. With regards to Divine healing which is the subject of our discussion here, it follows that God is able to make alive our body or any part of our body that is dead through sickness or by way of infirmity.

   God's ability to quicken or restore our  mortal bodies is one sure way to access Divine healing. In Rom 8:11, the Scriptures reveal something beautiful; it says: "But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you." Here again, we have the word  "quicken" mentioned as in Rom 4:17, above referred. To quicken simply means to revitalize, to restore, to give life, to make alive, etc. So here, we find God the Spirit dwelling in the mortal bodies of every born again child of God and saddled with the responsibility of quickening, restoring or healing those bodies. Simply put, since God the Spirit dwells in every child of God (1 Cor 6:19, 2 Cor 6:16), it follows therefore that the Healer is at home in our mortal bodies. This being the case, it's left to you, dearly beloved child of God to take advantage of His presence in you by receiving Divine healing; and that without much ado!

 Again, God is referred to as One that "calleth those things which be not as though they were." - Romans 4:17. This again, is powerful! Somewhere above, I said that calling things that are not as though they were is the same thing as to “create”. God called things that were not existing as though they existed. This is a principle of creation that appertains to God and by implication to us as people created in His image and likeness. God expects that we function like Him. If by His Word He carried out creation, He expects us also to be able to create for ourselves by the instrumentality of His Word all that we ever needed, including Divine healing. God says that His Word shall not return unto Him void, but that it shall accomplish that which He pleases, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto He sent it (Isaiah 55:11, KJV). In this regard and again in the matter of Divine healing, we can confess God's Word to produce healing to our sick or diseased mortal bodies. This is the second way to experience Divine healing.

     This piece is a mere introduction to the subject of Divine healing. As the Lord tarries, we shall dwell more on it, with the hope that faith will be built to receive your Divine healing.


Dearest Heavenly Father, thank you for making provision for my healing in Christ Jesus.