"And he took the blind man by the hand, and led him out of the town; and when he had spit on his eyes, and put his hands upon him, he asked him if he saw ought." (Mark 8 verse 23, King James Version).

Yesterday, I spoke extensively on the need to reside in an atmosphere of faith, using the same verse of Scripture as we have. But today, we are examining yet another aspect of our Christian walk. How many of us can trust the Lord Jesus by laying down our lives and allowing Him to lead us wherever He will?

      The man at the center of the story in the Scripture reading for today was blind. Indeed, he had been brought to the Lord Jesus that He might "touch him". Jesus then proceeded to take "the blind man by the hand, and led him out of the town;" (see Mark 8 verses 22 and 23). One commendable fact about this blind man was his trust in the Lord Jesus to take him wherever He chose. How I wish that we can come to the point of realizing and admitting to our blindness to the truth and to therefore trust the Lord to lead us wherever He will! That's the moment we truly say to the Lord "in thy light shall we see light" (Psalms 36 stanza 9)

     We often pray the 23rd Psalm saying, "The Lord is my Shepherd"; but how unwilling most times we are to allow Jesus, the Shepherd of our souls to lead us the way He will; often times, "beside the still waters" and "in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake"?

    There's some truths in Psalms 23 that the Church, the Body of Christ, has failed to recognize. It has been rightly observed and I agree, that we are living in Psalms 23 right now! For instance, in these end times, you and I are truly walking "through the valley of the shadow of death". This is so because satan, the god of this world, has intensified his onslaughts and attacks against humanity with sin, death, hunger, sickness, disease, poverty, godlessness, etc. All around us and everywhere, nothing is as glaring and prevalent as satan's three fold ministry of stealing, killing and destruction (John 10 verse 10)

     In the face of these dangerous and perilous times that we find ourselves, how dangerous it is to live without Jesus, the Light and the Savior of the world!

    Like I said, the blind man in today's lesson is worthy of commendation because in his blindness, he trusted the Lord to lead him. Admittedly, that was a risky thing to do because he didn't know where the Lord was leading him to and how far it was. Again, the blind man had good reasons to be worried because in his case, the Lord chose to take a completely different approach to heal him. The Bible records that "he took the blind man by the hand, and led him out of the town;" and eventually spat on his eyes. This was a most unusual way for Jesus to open the eyes of the blind. Yet, in the midst of these novels and uncertainties and many more, the blind man simply clung to Jesus' Hand, trusting the Savior to do the best for him to achieve his ultimate goal (the recovery of his sight). Have you ever imagined how come and why your case is different from that of others? Don't you realize that God is dealing with you because of your peculiarity?

    In our blindness we often do not know where God is leading us in life and how far He's leading us. Like the blind man in today's lesson, can you entrust yourself in the Hand of the Lord to take you wherever He will? Again, how far are you willing to go with Jesus, hoping and trusting Him to meet you at the point of your need?

      If Jesus didn't fail the blind man, I urge you to hold fast unto His Hand because He won't fail you either. Never try to water down your testimony by giving thought to alternative plans B or C, should you consider Jesus not forthcoming according to your expectations. I can attest to the fact that it's not in the Lord's character to fail or disappoint them that put their trust in Him. You will testify very soon!


Lord, I may not know where and how far you are taking me in my quest for liberation, but I trust that in the end, things will turn out to my rejoicing, in Jesus name.