"And he took the blind man by the hand, and led him out of the town; and when he had spit on his eyes, and put his hands upon him, he asked him if he saw ought." (Mark 8 verse 23, King James Version).

Unlike those that seek publicity, the Lord Jesus would sometimes do His miracles in privacy. Here in Mark 8 verse 23, He led the sick out of the town (see also Mark 5 verse 37 for the case of Jairus daughter; Mark 7 verse 33 for the healing of the deaf and dumb man; Mark 9 verse 2 for the miracle of the Lord's Transfiguration). Also, in Acts 9 verse 40, we see apostle Peter imitating Him doing likewise regarding Tabitha.

     I see faith and the preservation of faith as the reason for His opting to do His miracles in privacy. For instance, in the case under consideration this morning, the reason Jesus took the blind man out of town was because Bethsaida, the place of his residence, was so full of unbelief. We know for sure that unbelief hinders God from working for us (see Matthew 13 verse 58).

       Regarding Bethsaida, Jesus said, “Woe unto thee...Bethsaida! for if the mighty works had been done in Tyre and Sidon, which have been done in you, they had a great while ago repented.” (Luke 10 verse 13.)

Bethsaida was definitely one of those unbelieving cities of Jesus' days. The Lord had to take this man by the hand and lead him away from the unbelief of the people of Bethsaida. The bottom line here is that as Christians, we should learn to avoid every atmosphere of unbelief and faithlessness if we are to see God's power revealed in our lives. Remember that the Lord Jesus couldn't do many mighty works in His hometown Nazareth because of the people's unbelief (Matthew 13 verse 58).

   What is more, I believe very strongly that the unbelief that was prevalent in Bethsaida had so deeply affected the blind man under consideration that it took a second touch from Jesus to restore his sight (Mark 8 verse 25). I note with dismay that this was very unusual of the Lord Jesus and that this was all because of unbelief on the part of the blind man. The truth is that though Jesus had the man out of Bethsaida, He knew He hadn’t gotten all of the town out of the man! The Lord Jesus perceived that there were still some hindrances of unbelief in him; hence He gave him a second touch (Mark 8 verse 25).

   Understand therefore that because we chose to reside in an atmosphere of unbelief and doubt, we can experience hindrances to our faith; after all, "Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend." (Proverbs 27 verse 17). Obviously, the reverse is the case. It's unhealthy for our Christian walk of faith therefore to keep hanging out with unbelievers or choosing to remain in an atmosphere of unbelief and faithlessness. "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, ... " (2nd Corinthians 6 verse 17).

    Separation is seen as the hallmark of the Christian faith. If you must make progress with God, you have to keep yourself separated from certain things and persons. As for things, it doesn't matter if they are not sinful but lawful unto us (1st Corinthians chapter 6 verse 12, and chapter 10 verse 23; Hebrews 12 verse 1). The same goes for people. It doesn't matter if they are our very close friends or relatives.  Abraham for example, was called to separate himself from his country, and from his kindred and from his father's house unto a land God said He would show him. (Genesis 12 verse 1)

      In the call for separation, the Lord demands complete obedience from us, or else, we won't see the full blessings that accrue from His Fatherhood to us (Genesis 13 verses 14 to 17; 2nd Corinthians 6 verses 14 to 18).

       Can you examine yourself this morning to see if you have the need to separate yourself from persons, places or things that may hinder your Christian walk of faith? As you do so, may the Lord see to it that you'll never regret it, in Jesus name.


Father, help me to obey Your call to me for separation, in order that I may dwell and benefit from the atmosphere of faith, in Jesus name.