"Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. ...". (Jeremiah chapter 6 verse 16, King James Version).

 What accounts for the low ebb of the spiritual life of Christians today is their failure to understand that the primary purpose of our conversion is to bring us into a daily fellowship with God. This is what Christ came, died and resurrected to secure for us. God desires to have constant fellowship with us. The Holy Bible informs us that God delights in the company of men (Proverbs chapter 8 verse 31). Through prayer, He impacts us with His power and ability to stand tall and differentiated from others, simply because we have taken a hold on him to help us through the art of prayers.

   We must further understand that we cannot maintain our spiritual walk with the Lord in our own strength and power. Through prayer, we receive grace and ability from heaven to accomplish that which we so dearly desire to see done in our lives.

"Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need."; Hebrews chapter 4 verse 16 says.

    To neglect prayer therefore, is to neglect success in life's endeavors! Through prayers, men of old took hold of God, forsook their strength for that of Jehovah-God!

         Prayer is an old path that remains relevant to our existence, especially in these times of ours. Men who have formulated other means as a substitute for prayers have been grossly disappointed. Without prayers, the joy and power of God in our lives cannot be experienced. The abundant life that Jesus promised us may slip through our fingers as we neglect prayers. It was when men slept that the enemy sowed tares among the good seed (Matthew chapter 13 verses 24 to 30).

  Those who crave for a change in their life's circumstances must come to realize that they must give God quality time each day in their inner chambers through the Holy Spirit, so they can harness God's supernatural grace to bring about the change they so dearly desire. Satan isn't sleeping, you know! He goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour (1st Peter chapter 5 verse 8).

      Prayerlessness renders men victims of satanic attacks and assaults. But through prayer, we take a hold on God's ability to enjoy Christ's victory for us over satan the devil.

    Think about this my friend and let's return to the old path that had yielded much success to those that had threaded thereon! Let's return to the place of fellowship with the Lord and we'll have reasons to thank Him.


Father, take my hands and lead me through this path which you so delight in, yet neglected by many, in Jesus name