( E S T H E R )

"For whatsoever things that were written aforetime were written for our learning, ..." - Romans 15:4

Yesterday, we talked about how Esther relied on the judgement of Hegai the King's Chamberlain to emerge the queen amongst the other virgins that contested the position with her. I emphasised also that the victory of Esther over the other virgins was principally attributable to this fact; and not because she was the most beautiful of the virgins.

       Today, l write to give you understanding that even as Esther relied on the counsel of this important Chamberlain, called Hegai, to win the contest, so also we, in order to be approved of GOD and to win the race to heaven, have to rely on the counsel of JESUS, God's Son. Hegai the Chamberlain therefore, is a type of Jesus!

      Like in the case of Esther, where there were very many virgins that were called in for the contest, so also, in the race we've been called upon to run, "many are called but few" will be chosen (Matthew 22:14). So therefore, we must be careful to run it well and not to repeat the blunder of the other virgins that contested with Esther, who went in unto the king with whatsoever they desired, hoping thereby to please him (Esther 2:13). The essence of Christ's coming is to bring us God's righteousness in lieu of our own righteousness (2 Cor 5:21) which the Bible compares to filthy rags (Isa 64:6). Don't live your life according to your desires! We must learn from the mistake that led to the failure of the other virgins and be apt to apply the wisdom of Esther in this matter.

      Esther knew that Hegai, the King's Chamberlain, could let her into the secrets of the King about what a woman would wear, say, do, etc, that would please him. So, she relied on his counsel and she won the contest.

So also, we have JESUS, God's Son, who is in God's bosom (Jn 1:18) and came down from heaven (Jn 3:13). Only Him knows the Father too well to divulge to us the things that we will do to please Him to inherit eternal life and to be crowned on the last day as kings and priests unto our God (Rev 1:6). In the book of John 1:8, we are told that "No man hath seen God at any time; the only Begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, He hath DECLARED HIM " Further, in John 6:46, we read also that "Not that any man hath seen the Father, save He which is of God, He hath seen the Father".

      Like Hegai the Chamberlain of King Ahasuerus, JESUS the Son of God tells us what attire to array ourselves in, to please God the Father. He tells us that GOD the King will reject us if we go to Him in our own attire (self righteousness), like the other virgins of Esther's time (see Isaiah 64:6). Rather, He counsels us to put on His own attire (God's own righteousness) in Christ: (see Isaiah 45:24-25, 54:17). The Bible tells us plainly to put on the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 13:14). He is the Lord, our Righteousness (Jer 23:6,33:16; Rom. 10:4; 1 Cor. 1:30)

     This is very important. GOD Himself told all mankind on the mount of transfiguration, saying: "This is my Beloved Son, hear Him" (Mark 9:7). We must therefore listen to what Jesus is telling us to do!

    Friend, as Esther sought and applied the counsel of Hagai the King's Chamberlain, so we MUST seek and apply JESUS' counsel (the Word of God) to win the race. As you do this, may God help you, in Jesus name.

Have a great week!


Dearest Heavenly Father, thank you for Jesus. I hear and do the Word of God, so l may win your approval, in Jesus name, amen.