( E S T H E R )

"For whatsoever things that were written aforetime were written for our learning, ..." - Romans 15:4

The story of Esther, to so many people sounds like that of a fairy-tale. But it's true! To so many, it's a sweet story: of one rising from being an orphan to becoming the queen of the kingdom. I have decided to write this time around to the Christian youths and the young at heart, letting us know the secrets of young men and women in the Bible, to the end that we might learn and follow the paths that led them to experience favor with God and greatness among men! This is what Rom 15:4 is all about. It says: "For whatsoever things that were written aforetime were written for our learning,...".

       What then were the secrets of this young lady whom God raised from the orphanage to the palace?


You'll agree with me that when it comes to beauty pageants, it's not all about beauty; so many other things are put into consideration; eg, the dress, the walk, the gracefulness of the competitor, the mannerisms, etc, are all too important to neglect. Every single endeavor is geared toward pleasing the panel of judges!

      To think of Esther as the most beautiful of the virgins is a fallacy; for beauty, they say, is in the eyes of the beholder! All of these girls were beautiful; and besides, they were all virgins. This was highly competitive! When it was time to go in unto the King, everyone was asking for attires and cosmetics that they thought would fit and make them presentable to him (Esther 2:13); and they all failed.

     The Biblical account of Esther's success is presented thus: "Now when the turn of Esther, ... was come to go in unto the king, she required nothing but what HEGAI, the king's Chamberlain, the keeper of the women appointed. And Esther obtained favour in the sight of all them that looked upon her" (Esther 2:15).

       HEGAI as Chamberlain was the keeper or manager of the household of the King. He knew the king so well as to tell what colors, cosmetics, mannerisms that would please the king. Esther chose to rely on his judgement in the matter of what was to be given to her! What a wise girl she was! Others chose to go in to see the King in their own judgement of what would please the King and they failed. In the same vein, the Bible gives us the understanding that those who chose to go to God in their own righteousness will miss Him (Isaiah 45:24, 54:17,64:6; Jer 23:6,33:16; 1 Cor 1:30; 2 Cor 5:21). This is so because according to the Bible, our righteousness is like filthy rags before God (Isa 64:6). No wonder that Esther won the contest! She appeared and conducted herself to the exact delight of the king, thanks to the counsels of HEGAI, the King's Chamberlain. The righteousness of God through Jesus is all that pleases God and Jesus has been made our Righteousness (1 Corinthians 1:30). Get a hold of Him and you've gotten GOD!

        Next time as the Lord tarries, we shall have time to talk more on Hegai the King's Chamberlain as a type of JESUS, to whom every man should listen (Deut 18:15; Acts 3:22, 7:37; Matt 17:5; Mk 9:7; Lk 9:35). As Hegai was one who knew the King too well to qualify him to be able to counsel Esther to be chosen as Queen, so also JESUS is One that knows God too well as to tell us how to please Him in order to be chosen; "for many are called but few are chosen" (Matthew 22:14).


Dearest Heavenly Father, thank you for Jesus, in whom you have chosen me, even before the foundation of the world. Keep me in Him forever, in Jesus name, amen