( R U T H )

"For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, ..." - Romans 15:4


For some time now, the Holy Spirit has been urging me to write to our youths, young Christians and the young at heart. Should the Lord permit, l shall do a series on this topic, praying that you'll be impacted for Him in your generation, amen.

       It is a sad thing to see our youths, given the abundance of opportunities that avail them in this generation, to be grossly devoid of godly character.

       Today, we begin looking at a young woman called Ruth. In her unbelieving youthful state, the Bible does not give us the opportunity to assess her character. But given the tragic loss of the husband of her youth, which shall not be our portion, in Jesus name, we saw her going through a youthful experience once again, but now as a believer. So commending was her character that a book in the Holy Bible is dedicated to her! From this woman also, came Jesus, our Lord.

      Now, the question is what was it that made Ruth thick?

      (1) She did not mind losing her all (including parents, siblings, culture, background, country, etc.) to gain Christ. She clung to Naomi who was to her the pointer to Christ ( See Ruth 1:16-17). Like Paul, she counted the things that mattered but dungs so she might win Christ (Philippians 3:7-8) There are many youths today who find it difficult to abandon their past; let alone embrace the new thing God is doing in their generation. Again, instead of embracing the ministry of God given counsellors around us, we estrange or alienate ourselves rather from them. Too bad!

      (2) The tragedies that occasioned Naomi's stay in the land of Moab (there, she lost her husband and her only two sons) didn't serve to deter her convictions that Naomi served a Living God. Today, who will be a follower of such a sorrow laden woman like Naomi? On the contrary, everyone today is going after whom and where success, signs and wonders abound; not careful about the source! What a careless generation we are!

      (3) In the matter of her decision to go for God and His people (Christ and the Church ), Ruth refused to be influenced by the decision of Orpah  (her mate) to back out of the whole deal (Ruth 1:15-17). She refused to allow evil communication to corrupt her good manners (1 Corinthians 15:33). What a lesson? Learn to go for your convictions and especially, what you've decided on, without looking back!

      (4) She chose to remain under the godly influence and guidance of Naomi. She listened and obeyed all the godly counsels that Naomi gave to her (See Ruth 2:21-23; 3:1-6). She didn't see Naomi as old fashioned or out of tune with the trends of the time. She kept no secrets from Naomi (Ruth 2:19-20). Godly counsels, they say, never die or get outdated. But these days, despite the abundance of godly men and women around our youths, we find a great number who still miss out on God's will and purpose, especially in marriage. God help us our youths!

     (5) Ruth was a lady of good testimonies all around the neighborhood (Ruth 2:11-12). It is a surprise to find people nowadays who are careless about what others think of them. Even Jesus was careful in this matter (Mark 8:27). What others think of you goes a very long way to determine some important issues in your life; after all, everyone wants to keep company with people of good testimonies.

    There is much more to learn from sister Ruth, but for time and space. I pray for understanding from God's Spirit, amen.

Wishing you a very wonderful day!


Dear Heavenly Father, help me to have a teachable spirit so that l may be fully impacted for my good and for your use in my generation, in Jesus name.