"Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure." (Philippians chapter 2 verses 12 and 13)

Obedience to God's Word is the hallmark of the Christian faith. The Bible says that it is the doers of the Word that are justified (Romans chapter 2 verse 13; see also James chapter 1 verses 22 to 25).

    It's rather unfortunate that many Christians are simply hearers of the Word but not doers. True Christianity hinges on the doing of the Word. As Christians, we ought to realize the implication of the Lord's absence in relation to our attitude. What's our obedience like, especially now that the Lord is absent, seeing He tarries? The Lord expects that we obey His commandments and moreso, in His absence. This to me, is the true show of love and faithfulness to Him. A wife's fidelity shines brightest when her husband is away!

        As Christians, our attitude on earth as the Lord Jesus tarries is tersely stated in today's Scripture:

 "Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence,"

 Yes, the obedience that shows true fidelity to the Groom should be done "much more", especially in His absence.

    What people don't know is that obedience to God has some spiritual implications. Indeed, there's something more about Philippians chapter 2 verses 12 and 13 that people don't understand. For example, the phrases “work out” and “work in” are intimately or inseparably related. First, it is God that works in us and having done so, our responsibility is to work out what He has worked in us. It follows that if He does not work in us, we have nothing to work out. But the truth is that God has worked so much in us in Christ Jesus.

     What people don't understand is that Christianity doesn't stop at confessing and receiving Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. To me, that marks the beginning of a life long walk with the Lord until we cross over to eternity.

   Truth is, if we don’t work out what God has worked in us, we thereby hinder Him from further working in us. The limit to what God can work in us is set by the extent to which we work out what He's already worked in us. If we cease, fail or refuse to work out what God has already worked in us, there is no reason for Him to continue to work in us. Simple! But on the other hand, if we go on working out, then God goes on working in. This marks Christianity at its finest.

       What I'm trying to say is that much depends on us if we are to see the true essence of the Christlike life at work in us. For instance, in Romans chapter 5 verse 5, we hear that the love of God has been shed abroad our hearts by the Holy Spirit. Now, the question is what do we do with that love of God that has been shed abroad our hearts? It’s our responsibility to work it out or else, it remains dormant as if we never had it! The same goes for His Power and Might, the anointing of the Spirit, His Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, the Fruit of the spirit, and so on and so forth; all in us in Christ Jesus. Dearly beloved, the question is, what do you do with what you possess in Christ Jesus? Do you work them out?


Father, thank You for having worked much in me in Christ Jesus. That which You have worked in me, I work out; in Jesus name.