His Word is yea and amen

I found it yea and amen.

His Word is yea and amen

I found it yea and amen.


"And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people. (Matthew chapter 4 verse 23).

Jesus went about with the good news of the kingdom giving meaning to the lives of all that came in contact with Him. The sick were healed, the lame walked, the dead rose back to life, and many more. Hallelujah!

       The gospel of Jesus is the best and the most important news you will ever hear here on earth. It's the most life-changing news you could ever share with someone else.

As parents, it is the greatest asset that we can bequeath to our children. It does not go out of fashion. It does not change or fade away. It remains invaluable even unto eternity. Everything the World offers is subject to change; whether it's time, fashion, or education, technology, just to name but a few. All these are subject to change except the Word of God. Hallelujah!

      Thanks be to God who has made the Gospel available to all and sundry; proclaiming liberty to all who were bound with fears and making it possible for them to take a hold of their liberty. By so doing, they that are weary and heavily laden under the burden of sin find relief in Christ, shaking themselves from the dust of sinfulness, doubts and fears.

      The World at large offers chaotic news such as rumors of war, earthquakes, hurricanes, flooding, accidents, plane crashes, kidnapping, fraudulent acts, and many more.

       The Gospel of Christ is the perfect answer to all of these and it's worth more than any treasure that this world can offer.

    Many out there pursue substitutes for His presence; such as friends, hobbies, and busy schedules. These may serve to provide momentary pleasures, but the precious time used thereat should have been spent in quietness before God. "Your Word", says David, "is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path" (Psalm 119 stanza 105). 

     In actual sense, nothing else, besides the Lord can adequately fill the spot in our lives that God has reserved for Himself. Money, success, pleasure, noise and busyness will satisfy for just a little while. But our Father's enduring and empowering presence is the only genuine solution, and this is what the Gospel of Christ has to offer.


Thank You Heavenly Father for the availability of the Gospel of Christ which has provided me with salvation and hope, in Jesus Mighty name.