"Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand."

(Philippians chapter 4 verse 5, King James Version).

To be moderate means to be temperate or to exercise self control or forbearance (see 1st Corinthians chapter 9 verse 25)

    To let your moderation be known by all men is to let it be such that others may see it. The simple but very important reason for this is that the Lord is at hand.

    The word moderation generally refers to restraint on the human passions or desires. It's a state of general soberness of living, being free from all excesses.

   What this means for us as Christians is that by our lifestyles, we are to indulge in no excess of passion; whether in dressing, or eating, or drinking, or whatever. It implies that we are to govern or control our appetites or desires, to restrain our temper, in order to be examples of what is proper for men to do, especially in view of the imminent coming of the Lord.

    We all have passions. But God wants us to put some restraint on them. why? Because the Lord is at hand. Passions differ from one individual to the other. Some, it could be for football, others, it could be for eating. Others still, it could be for reading or occupation. I should point out that these passions may be legitimate and lawful passions, not necessarily sinful passions. Yet the Bible enjoins us to be moderate concerning them.

    The crucial question we need to ask ourselves is whether such indulgences are expedient, considering that the Lord is at hand. It is in this regard that Apostle Paul in the Book of 1 Corinthians 6:12 said he would not be brought under the power of anything, though lawful. Hear him:

"All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any." (see also 1 Corinthians chapter 10 verse 23).

     To the Apostles of old, and contrary to our current dispositions, the coming of the Lord was very imminent and in response thereto, they had no room for trivialities or excesses. To them, it was necessary to lay aside every weight and sin that so easily beset them (see Hebrews chapter 12 verse 1). As applied to us, it means that we should remove all which would obstruct our progress in the Christian course in order to win the Crown of Life.

     The need to put restraint on our passions or indulgences is of paramount importance because, firstly the Lord is at hand and every effort should be geared towards preparing to receive Him to the end that we may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless (see 2nd Peter chapter 3 verse 14).

 Secondly, we are to consider the faith of other Christians. Though we may be free to satisfy our craves or appetites, we have been counseled to do nothing that will hurt the faith of a fellow brother for whom Christ died (see Romans chapter 14 verse 15 and 1st Corinthians chapter 8 verses 9 to 13).

       At this critical moment, our efforts should be towards preparing men for Jesus' second coming. This is our responsibility as God's children. The time we're in now calls for general soberness of living; it's a moment that should be free from all excesses, with an undivided focus on preparing to meet with Jesus, the soon coming King.


Dear Father, I lay down all of my appetites and desires in order to be ready and to prepare others for your Son's second coming, in Jesus name.