"And they said among themselves, who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulchre? And when they looked, they saw that the stone was rolled away: for it was very great" - Mark 16:3-4.

If only we remember who we are in Christ and the fact that heaven stands with us in all our life's endeavors, we would never need to experience some of the things we go through!

     As God's children who go about doing His will, we are never alone. We have the support and power of heaven with us. Our difficulty becomes God's difficulty! As we think over our problems and searching the Scriptures, we discover that God has gone ahead of us, turning our mountains into plains, no matter how great and imposing they might seem.

     It was so with these women disciples of Jesus who had set out early in the morning of the resurrection day to anoint Jesus. Their problem was the great stone that was at the entrance of the sepulchre. "Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulchre?", they said! Least did they know that God had sent His angel to do for them what they had hoped for. Perhaps, you are asking the same question with regards to your life. This angel that was sent by God to roll away the stone is a type of Christ whom God sent to bring an end to our problems.

There is something with these women disciples of Jesus that I wish to highlight to you. The stone that constituted the problem to their endeavor had been rolled away.

    Yet, they did not know this fact until they looked (verse 4). Most times, this is the case with some people, even Christians. What they see as problems aren't really problems in the real sense of the case. Some of these problems wouldn't really stand if we confronted them with God's might available to us in Christ Jesus. It's like the wall of Jericho that looked very imposing and strong, yet was indeed without foundations, so much so that it crumbled with a shout by the people of God. These life's challenges are like the mighty Goliath who was brought down by the sling of a teenage boy called David. The same God is with you, don't you know it?

      God has gone ahead of you, my friend! He has removed out of your way the mountains of your life, in Jesus name. When a child of God is confronted by enemies or problems, let him remember always that he's been programmed by God to win. In Christ Jesus, we fight from an advantaged position, from the angle of victory. Amen! Henceforth, learn to act and speak from this advantaged position in Christ Jesus. 

     Look at Joshua! This was what he did in Numbers 14:9 (KJV). He spoke about the occupants of the land they espied, saying: " ... for they are bread for us: their defence is departed from them, and the LORD is with us: fear them not."  Actually, some of your life's challenges are stepping stones, though they were meant to be stumbling stones by the enemy.

 Don't be like these women disciples of Christ, who until they looked, thought that their problem still existed. I counsel you to take a close look and you will find out that your problems aren't really there anymore. But where do you look to discover this awesome truth? The Holy Scriptures! They testify that Jesus has taken our problems out of our way! This is why He came and died for us. He has overcome satan and the world for us. Hallelujah!


Dearest Heavenly Father, I am glad that You are ever with me. Besides, to learn that you made me more than conquerors and an overcomer is mind-blowing. I bless You for taking away my problems. Hallelujah!