" By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house ..." - Hebrews 11:7.

         What an example to emulate! Unlike most of us today, Noah took God's warning of an impending destructive flood very seriously. Though he had not seen or experienced the things whereof God spoke to him, yet, the Bible says he "moved with fear" and followed God's instruction which led to the salvation of his soul and that of his household.

               God's warning to us today is that the soul that sins shall die (Ezek 18:20), that "the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord " (Rom 6:23). WE ALL WILL DIE, BUT WHERE DO YOU PLAN TO SPEND YOUR ETERNITY?

               The way you live your life shows either that you believe God, like Noah or that you don't. Unfortunately, very many people, by their lifestyles are PLANNING TO SPEND THEIR ETERNITY WITH THE DEVIL IN THE LAKE OF FIRE (Rev 19:20, 20:15). The devil's agent must be prepared to share in the devil's punishment, period!

              Have a change of lifestyle today, receive Jesus as Lord and Saviour and begin to live for Him daily in line with scriptures and God's promise of eternal life becomes yours. It's absolutely free!

         Have a blessed day.


Dearest Heavenly Father, I thank you for your gift of Jesus Christ to the World. By faith, I receive Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Lord Jesus, thank you for saving me to the uttermost from the wrath of God to come. By your Spirit's help and by the guidance of your Word, I live daily for you all the days of my life, in Jesus name.