Into my heart, into my heart.

Come into my heart, Lord Jesus.

Come in today, come in to stay.

Come into my heart, Lord Jesus.


"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." - Phil.4:8.

The way we think on the inside has a tremendous bearing on our lives. It is most paramount that if we desire change, we must ensure that it begins on the inside of us. If invariably we are the products of our inner thoughts, care must be taken to ensure that we think right thoughts.

Instead of looking for a change on the external, in everybody and about everything else around us, we have to look inward to make the necessary changes.

  The Bible is not making any mistakes by specifying the kind of thoughts that should go on in our hearts. We need to dwell upon the things that are true, things that are honest, things that are just, things that are pure, things that are lovely, things that are of good report.

     If we truly want to experience the abundance and the victory that God has promised, we must be ready to rejuvenate our mindset, focusing on the thoughts that God thinks about us. This can only come from God's Word.

When we think of things that are edifying to our spirits, souls, and bodies, we will be amazed at how glorious our lives will be.

    A new and a productive mindset can be attained by constantly meditating on the Word of God. Our minds become organized and programmed for excellence, greatness, and success when we align them with the Word of God. Then, its contents and processes are synchronized with God’s thoughts and His perfect will for us.

 2 Timothy 2:15 says, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 

 This is what brings about the transformation that we so greatly desire to see in our lives. Who you are today and who you will be tomorrow is a function or expression of your mind-work. Through God’s Word, you can work on your mind and change its contents; and before long, the resultant change will show up in your life and everything about you as an upgrade. It is most advisable that we make conscious efforts to occupy our minds with things that edify, which are capable of producing good results.


My mind O Lord is guarded by Your Word and completely yielded to right ideas, thoughts, and messages; so therefore, I walk in power, in miracles, in victory and I live a life of favor in Jesus’ Name.