Holy Spirit of God, come fill my heart today.

Holy Spirit of God, come fill my heart with love.


"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God" (Romans 12:2).

God’s Word is very clear on how to have a fruitful, productive, efficient and a successful life. The Word of God renews our mind every moment we read it. Our minds and hearts are so important to us and to God.

"The Bible says, "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life." - Prov.4:23.

      It’s because God has fashioned the mind as an instrument for transformation, hence He has asked that we need to guide our hearts with all diligence. That is to say in other words that we need to cultivate the right attitude. As earlier said in one of my messages titled HAVE A RIGHT ATTITUDE TOWARDS LIFE, published on the 15th of June 2023. "To have the right attitude towards life means to approach life with a positive mindset. This can only be possible by having a correct attitude towards the Word of God. That is when we can have all it takes to succeed in life."

       Our minds are unlimited in their potential to create and recreate whatever we desire. When we put our mind-power to work, there’re no limits as to what we can achieve, and there are absolutely no restrictions to how high we can propel ourselves in life.

It will interest you to know that our prosperity is essentially determined by the content and quality of our minds because with our minds, we can change anything about ourselves. We can establish a perfect structure and administration for our lives and enjoy to the utmost the special life and blessings God has given us. Hallelujah!

Our growth in any area of our lives is tied to our mindset.


Blessed Lord, as I consciously meditate on the Scriptures, let the efficacy of Your Word keep my mind aglow with effectiveness and productivity, in Jesus' Mighty name.