"Faith means being sure of the things we hope for. And faith means knowing that something is real even if we do not see it." (Hebrews 11 verse 1, International Children Bible)

Let's not forget that we are discussing why we sometimes don't receive answers to our prayer despite that the Lord Jesus said in Matthew 7 verse 8 that "every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened."

We concluded part 3 in the series, saying that there are tools with which to pull what's already existing in the spirit realm into the physical realm for our enjoyment.

       One of such tools is faith. The International Children Bible version's definition of faith (above quoted) is very insightful! It's being sure of the things we hope for; it's knowing that something is real even if we do not see it. The truth is that we all have faith (Romans 12 verse 3). With faith, we are able to pull what's already existing in the spirit realm into the physical realm for our enjoyment.

     Long ago, John Wesley had observed that the devil has given the Church something that looks and sounds so much like faith, which is not faith at all. He called this substitute "mental assent." According to him, many people read God's Word and agree that it is true, but they are agreeing only with their minds, not with their hearts; and that is not what gets the job done. Mental assent is simply a head acknowledgement of what God says. Truth is, it's heart faith that is received from God.

    Bible faith considers the matter already done; not hoping that it will be done sometime to come. Although, there's a relationship with hope, faith isn't hope. Faith is a state of "being sure of the things we hope for." So many Christians stand on the ground of hope, instead of faith. This accounts for why they don't receive, but get disappointed with God.

Also, too many people function with Thomas' kind of faith.

"Except I shall see ... I will not believe.", he said in John 20 verse 25.

Likewise, it's so with some people. Until they see it come to pass, they won't believe it. But we must believe God's promises because God Word says so. God cannot lie (Numbers 23 verse 11). God wants us to believe before we see God's glory (John 11 verse 40) Also in Mark 11 verse 24, we see that the receiving comes after the believing. It says, "What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." Here, the Lord Jesus was simply prioritizing "believing", It's like saying, "You've got to believe you have it before you can receive it."

 Therefore, in the face of trials or adverse circumstances, simply stand firm on what God's Word says and you are sure to receive what He has promised. This is faith and in Heb 11 verse 2, the Bible says that "by it the elders obtained a good report."


Lord, thank You for faith. I stand firm on Your Word and I receive what it promises me, in Jesus name.