Trust and obey, for there's no other way, to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey


"If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:" (Isaiah chapter 1 verse 19)

  This part of the message is coming later than expected. My sincere apologies, please.

   Just as the saying goes, "God is the Creator of all, but not the Father of all." God is Father to them that are in Christ, who obey His Word and walk in His precepts. Such are entitled to the good of the land. The reverse is definitely the case.

   The prerequisite to enjoy the good of the land is that you have to be "willing and obedient". Your willingness must be such that it is free and without constraints. Not as the horse or as the mule which will only act by force and constraint (Psalms 32 verse 9). Don't be like them. But rather, give a willing service to your Maker. This is what is required of us as God's children. As for obedience, it must be such that God's Word has become your usual and undisputable course for existence. You are such that doing what God says becomes your utmost goal in life, irrespective of whatever adversity that may result therefrom.

  Are you ready to receive the blessings that God longs to bestow upon you? Then you must be willing and obedient to His Word. God’s Word is the embodiment of His Power, and that Power is real and available to everyone of His children that do His Word.

 The Bible makes us understand that only the doers, not the hearers of the Word, are justified.

"For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified." (Romans 2 verse 13)

  When you walk in obedience to His commandments and teachings, you can be guaranteed of not just the good, but the best of the land.

    Truth is, God has His role to play in our salvation even as we also have our roles to play. Doing our part is the key to enjoying God's goodness as He has promised.


Lord, my desire is to eat the good of the land. I receive grace therefore to be willing and to be obedient to Your Word, in Jesus name.