"But think on me when it shall be well with thee, and show kindness, I pray thee, unto me, and make mention of me unto Pharaoh, and bring me out of this house:" - Genesis 40:14

That was the cry of Joseph to Pharaoh's butler, both of whom were in prison and to whom Joseph had interpreted a dream, assuring him of reinstatement again as Pharaoh's butler.

       Joseph had become exasperated by his unjust incarceration in Egypt. He longed for freedom; even to be free to walk in the streets of Egypt as a beggar or a return to his slavish disposition in Potiphar's house! This was his greatest desire and aspiration. Yet, unknown to him, God had a better future ahead of him.

      So it is with many of us. We do not understand why we are where we are! We often want to advance, yet to no avail. We prayed, " pressed all available buttons ", and still, nothing changed.

       I write to let you know that God is at work in all of your supposed "ordeals". When God is not done with you, you are not done for where He is planning to take you! Not waiting for God to deliver you at His appointed time may rob you of great victory. In Joseph's case, God made the butler to forget Joseph, though he got reinstated before Pharaoh as Joseph had predicted. God was at work to introduce Joseph in such a way beyond the ability of the butler and with a consequence having a far reaching impact and testimony than that which the butler could ever have done! Joseph needed to wait for God to finish with him before unleashing His favor on him, and releasing him from prison. Under God's economy, the prison served as Joseph's classroom and place of meeting with his "destiny helper", the butler.

            As it was with Joseph, so much lies in us either to wait for God or to "hurry out" of God's classroom and by so doing, settle for something of less value!

       According to Confucius, we should "... not be desirous of having things done quickly. Do not look at small advantages. Desire to have things done quickly prevents their being done thoroughly. Looking at small advantages prevents great affairs from being accomplished ". What a counsel!

       We all are aware of Abraham's mistake in not waiting for God and how he had Ishmael contrary to God's will; which act he lived to regret and which odious  consequences we face today.

       God has something great in store for you, my friend! Don't be in a haste! Wait for Him. He will be through with you soon and like Joseph, the world will marvel at what masterpiece He has made of you!

       Have a very blessed day!


Dearest Heavenly Father, thank you for having a most beautiful plan before me. Although it may not be apparent to me, help me never to run ahead of you in a bid to seek deliverance when according to your will the time is not right, in Jesus name.