Lord, I give You my life

I give You my soul oo

I live for You alone

Every breath that I take

Every moment I'm awake eee

Lord, have your way in me


"See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is." -

Ephesians 5:15-17

To redeem time means to “buy back” or “gain possession.”

If we were to document how we spend our time for a week, accounting for every second, minute, half hour and hour, what do we think we would find?  Redeeming time is not about worshiping work or becoming consumed with minutes of the day; it’s a way of honoring God. Take an honest look at your life. Are you redeeming your time well? Are you squandering time on less productive activities? Are you overworking with no time to rest or to spend with your family? Everything in life has to be done in the wisdom of God. We do not do one at the expense of the other. Neglecting some vital things in life can result in unprecedented hazards. Simply stop and surrender your calendar to God, and He will help us manage our lives by the days and hours.

Time management isn’t a self-help thing; it’s a God-help thing. Time does not come to us redeemed. Every minute we receive is a gift from God, our Creator Who is so concerned about the way we make use of the time He has given to us. So therefore, we've got to be very careful how we use our time, because we will give account of it to Him that gave it to us. We need to pray and ask God for a soft heart to learn about His will for how our spend your time.

Are there activities or habits taking up your time that you do not have time for God, your family and your job? Consider if you might need to cut back on them.

Do you ever think along this line, that someone can be so busy doing nothing? If we fail to plan our time well, we have indirectly or directly planned to fail. We need to schedule our time well in order to make the most of the day.

Have you ever considered how the Bible connects time management to wisdom? Does this change how you think about the importance of redeeming time?

Redeeming time is not just a wise move; it’s how we gain wisdom. We can be counted foolish, if we do not take conscious steps to manage our time.


Lord, I am grateful for the precious time You have given to me. Help me to manage it wisely in the Mighty name of Jesus.