"AND IT came to pass after these things, that the butler of the King of Egypt and his baker had offended their lord the King of Egypt ... And he put them in ward in the house of the captain of the guard, into the prison, the place where Joseph was bound. " - Genesis 40:1,3

God makes no mistakes! He has reasons for bringing people together in life. Oftentimes, we fail to find out why we are brought in contact with people. Whether or not you make time to find out why someone is brought in contact with you, the golden rule of human coexistence dictates that you do not destroy or tarnish your relationship with the people you meet in life! To do so may prove fatal and expensive!

        In this journey of life, some make the costly mistake of under-rating others in the light of the fact that present circumstances of life seem good to them over and above others. Masters, the Bible enjoins you to forbear threatening, knowing that you're the servant of He who is in heaven (See Ephesians 6:9).

      l counsel you to be cautious if today you seem favored by circumstances of life. You may never tell, the future might prove hostile to you; while the servant whom you mistreated yesterday might be honored sometime to come with a ride on horseback! Again, God in His omniscience, might bring you in contact with the man who would help you in future, but might disguise him before you as a servant or an indigent neighbor. Your meeting might be the most casual or insignificant of all meetings. So therefore, be warned! Do not toy with relationships!

    The story of Joseph in the Bible is very instructive! The Lord made me to understand some years ago that we all need someone specially prepared by Him to introduce us to our destiny. Though Joseph was a man destined by God for greatness; yet, in all of his life, he needed to meet with one man who would guide him to where God had prepared for him: THAT MAN WAS THE BUTLER; not Jacob, his father; not any of his brothers; not Potiphar; not Potiphar's wife; not the captain of the guard; not the keeper of the prison; NOT EVEN PHARAOH; but the butler! Let me ask you this question: Of what use is it to you for the President of your country to have a hand shake with you, without any significant mark or impact; compared with an introduction of your person to him by a close associate of his? Friend, we all need destiny helpers or launchers! Their impact is copiously invaluable!

      God has given everyone a special gift to serve as the vehicle for his breakthrough in life. The Bible says that the gift of a man will make room for him (Proverb 18:16); yet, you need that man so specially "anointed" by God to appreciate the gift of God in your life and to introduce you into your destiny. They are called DESTINY HELPERS OR LAUNCHERS! If you have not met with him, you will seem to be marking time; and despite the beauty or brightness of your gift, no one around you will seem to appreciate you. They might hate you instead! Eg, Joseph's brothers.

       So friend, be careful because "your butler" or "destiny launcher" or "helper" might be very close to you, without you knowing it. He might even be disguised so that you are tempted to ignore, mistreat or offend him/her. The place of meeting him/her might seem very incongruous. Joseph, for instance, met the butler in prison! So many people have been careless over this matter, to their utter regret, thereby sealing for ever their God given opportunity to be celebrated in life. Don't let this happen to you! The only way to stop yourself from making this kind of mistake is to cherish, appreciate and be good to those that come your way in the journey of life. Do this and you'll not regret it. SHALOM!


Father, thank you for bringing my destiny helpers to me; and as you bring people across my path in life, help me to be kind and to maintain good relationship with them, in Jesus name, amen