"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." (Philippians 4 verse 13, King James Version)

Notice that the verse we have for today didn't say "I can do all things through "Jesus" which strengtheneth me", but "Christ".  This distinction is of utmost importance. Jesus is a Person,  but "Christ" is what God made of Him. In Scriptures, sometimes, "Christ" may mean a "place" into which God has called His children. At other times, it may mean the "anointing" or the grace of God available to us in Christ.

    It's in regards to this last meaning that our Scripture reading for today is used. In Christ, there's an anointing or supernatural ability that's available to us who are God's Children.  This anointing enables us to function far beyond our natural abilities, so much that men become amazed at our performance in life. In simple terms, this means in essence that Christ's Strength, which has become our strength, enables us to do extraordinarily in life.

     With this in mind therefore, it's not right for us as God's children or anyone for that matter to think or speak of us as incapacitated in any way. Much has been said concerning what Christians are, what we ought to do, what we ought to possess. Again, much has been said concerning our failures and shortcomings. But unfortunately, little has been said about who we are in Christ, the power that's available to us as a result and what we can do in Him, etc. Less, for instance, has been said to God's children that when they are weak, then they are strong, that God's Strength is made perfect in their weakness (2nd Corinthians 12 verses 9 to 10). In Joel 3 verse 10, the Bible says "... let the weak say, I am strong"

    I believe that inasmuch as great efforts are put on letting the Christian know his failures, weakness and faults, greater efforts should go into encouraging him and letting him know his God given ability in Christ, that all things are possible with him because he's a believer in Christ (Mark 9 verse 23) Besides, and more importantly, that he can do all things through Christ who strengthens him (Philippians 4 verse 13). In other words, there's an ability in him courtesy of his being in Christ which empowers him to be able to do all things, almost effortlessly.

     No doubt, this is a winner's mentality. It's knowing from the outset that because of the anointing we carry, there's absolutely nothing we can't do.

    To continue to  point out Christian failures and weaknesses and never talk about his virtues has been compared to diagnosing a case without profering its remedy; which at best is futile.

    Dearly beloved, be strengthened and be full of courage. You have been made a success in Christ Jesus. Do not buy into any talk that serves to demean you in life. Live with the mentality that God has made you a resounding success in Christ. As this becomes part of you, you'll be amazed at how it will play out of your life very shortly, in Jesus name.


Father thank You because in Christ Jesus, You have strengthened me, making me able to do all things through His anointing that is in me, in Jesus name.